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The Reconstruction Of Doctors’ Incentive Mechanism Under Public Hospital Reform

Posted on:2015-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330428483559Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The reform of public hospital is an important part of our health care system reform,and reconstruction of doctors’ incentive mechanism is the key point of the publichospital reform. Doctors are the executor of public hospital reform, also the core of thehospital human capital. It is a worthy important topic for further research that how tobreak the path dependence of previous system, to rebuild doctors’ incentive mechanism,in the meantime, to improve the motivation of doctors and to maintain public welfare ofthe hospitals.Based on the definition of public hospitals and public hospital reform, incentiveand incentive mechanism, this research chooses Changshu as a case to discusses theimpact to public hospitals and physician incentive mechanism of the reform, pointingout the problems and causes, including lack of local government subsidies which leadsto health interest objectives suffering divergence; incentives dependence which makes itdifficult for medical model changes; the effect of poor performance evaluation thatmakes it hard to play a stimulating; continued rigid employment system which leads thelack of development platforms for the doctors; the influence of weak careerdevelopment; and lack of relevant institutions. According to the problems, this paperproposes the suggestion on the foundation of institutional change theory, human capitaltheory and stakeholder theory that the government should strengthen the financialsubsidies and abandon the idea of doctors’ pursuing profits; changing clinical pattern tobreak the existing system dependent; establishing a rational distribution system toreflect the doctors’ value reasonably; deepening the reform of the personnel system andcreate development platforms for the doctors; making reasonable medical careerplanning to meet the needs of the doctors; developing related measures and other policy recommendations to promote the built of doctors incentive mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:public hospital reform, doctors, incentive mechanism, reconstruction
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