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Ethical Thinking Of Stem Cell Research And Application

Posted on:2014-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L TanFull Text:PDF
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The stem cells are the cells which have a class of self-renewal and differentiation potential characteristics., and which can be used as therapeutic cloning research and treatment resources, and can be used for cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and cardiovascular diseases and the research of other complex human disease model. Also they have been widely used in regenerative medicine, cell replacement therapy and drug screening research areas. The research of stem cell has became one of the areas of the attention of the world’s most cutting-edge technology, and it is considered to be the engineering of human health in the21st century. However, with the particularity way and the unpredictable nature of the stem cells application, it has a series ethical risk inevitably. Especially in the clinical treatment of stem cells, in addition to the ethical problems of the technology itself, the multi-party conflicts of interest within the health system between doctors and patients, a conflict of interest between researchers, investors and medical institutions and the risk of side conflicts of interest and other problems more worthy of attention. We should follow the principles of medical ethics norms strictly in the stem cell research and applications, to promote the healthy development of stem cell therapy.This article consists of four parts, as follows is the main content:In the first part, the author major overview the concept of stem cells and the classification and the main method for obtaining and significance of the stem cell, and the current status quo of research and application home and abroad. With the brief introduction of the concept of stem cells, we have a preliminary understanding of stem cells. The controversy of the source of the stem cells is the premise of our research, which one need to be first solved. Human stem cells can be divided into the controversial embryonic stem cells and the controversial adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells according to different sources can be divided into several categories. This section focuses on the status of stem cells for basic research and applications.The second and third part pointed out the ethical issues of stem cell research and application, including the moral value of the research of embryonic stem cell,and the analysis of ethical controversy about the source of stem cells, the ethical thinking of the reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning, which focus on conflicts of interest in the stem cell therapy. Part Ⅲ focuses on the related issues of stem cells and the conflict of interest.The fourth part of this article conducted a comprehensive. It focus on the combination of ethics to standardize stem cells. Through the integrated front part of the status quo at home and abroad as well as controversial analysis, and combined with China’s specific national conditions, to make the reasonable ethical principles recommended for the healthy development of stem cells further. Our country at this stage for the clinical application of stem cell-related policy management and the ethical specification have been missing, we want to be able to provide a full range of norms recommended for our stem cell research and its clinical application. Be sure to make the human embryonic stem cell clinical research in line with the international charter, declaration or guidelines, in line with China’s regulations for human health.
Keywords/Search Tags:stem cell, research and applications, ethical thinking
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