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Nanotechnology & human stem cells: Applications in cardiogenesis and neurogenesis

Posted on:2017-09-11Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at AlbanyCandidate:Tomov, Martin LFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390005476194Subject:Biomedical engineering
Human stem cell research holds an unprecedented promise to revolutionize the way we approach medicine and healthcare in general, moving us from a position of mostly addressing the symptoms to a state where treatments can focus on removing the underlying causes of a condition. Stem cell research can shed light into normal developmental pathways, as we are beginning to replicate them in a petri dish and can also be used to model diseases and abnormal conditions. Direct applications can range from finding cures for single or multigene diseases to demonstrating that we can replace these genes with a normal copy. We can even begin to model lifelong conditions such as aging by iPSC technology by relying on fetal, young, adult, and centenarian populations to provide insights into the process. We have also begun to understand the microenvironment in which specific cell populations reside. Being able to replicate the chemical, physical mechanical, and spatial needs of those cells, research groups are successfully generating full organs using cadaver scaffolds of heart and kidney, and there is promising research to reach the same success with other organs, such as the liver, and pancreas. Advances in those areas open an enormous potential to study organs, organoids, organ valves, tubes or other functional elements such as beating cardiomyocytes in vitro.;There is also the need to evaluate the whole genome of induced and differentiated cells, with its myriad of interacting pathways. Bioinformatics can help our understanding of embryogenesis, organ differentiation and function. It can also help optimize our stem cell and bio-scaffold tools to advance closer to functional organs and tissues. Such a combination approach will also include pluripotency evaluation and multi-lineage differentiation, as well as platforms that may assist in cell therapies: 3D structures, micro-ribbons, directed patterning to name a few. There is now a clearer path forward with stem cell research than was ever before possible. My research has made fundamental contributions to the stem cell field by detailed analysis of uniformly generated 3D stem cell intermediates that are embryoid bodies. I have also contributed to the derivation of the first fully characterized ethnically diverse induced pluripotent stem cells from minority populations (ED-iPSCs), and advances in generating functional beating cardiomyocytes in vitro to aid cardiomyoplasty therapies. My work has also explored scaffolds for directing neural cell assembly or encouraging self-assembly for applications in CNS neurodegeneration, addiction, and spinal cord injury. These contributions to the field are outlined in my Specific Aims below and detailed in the chapters of my thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stem cell, Applications
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