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A Study On Guangming Daily Doctor-patient Relationship Reports Features

Posted on:2014-07-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H YuanFull Text:PDF
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Health is a common desire of human society. Pursuing a healthy body, not onlyshould individuals develop good habits, but also need doctors to escort our health.Therefore, a good doctor-patient relationship is directly related to our health. After theReform and opening up, China’s economy has made a great progress, with thecontinuous improvement of people’s living standards, the demand for health care alsoincreases significantly, but because the health care system can not meet this growingdemand, the supply and demand become unbalanced,the doctor-patient relationship isgradually tensing. And the various problems exposed in the process of the health caresystem market-oriented reform are also affecting the doctor-patient relationship. Atthe same time, the media is becoming frequently to expose and even keen onspeculating hospital shady, medical malpractice and other negative news, leading thepublic opinion to blame the hospitals and doctors, who directly contact with patients.This practice is damaged to the image of medical side and the trust between doctorsand patients, deteriorates the doctor-patient relationship further.Unlike others medias prefer reporting the negative relationship between doctorsand patients,Guangming Daily put more emphasis on the positive relationshipbetween doctors and patients, policy,conference,and suggestions on how to solve thisproblems. In the current situation of doctor-patient relationship in China, this kind ofreport is more calm and constructive, can help people learn about China’s health caresystem, eliminate the understanding to hospital and doctor, strengthen thedoctor-patient communication, then has a positive significance to relieve thecontradiction between doctors and patients.Harmonious doctor-patient relationship is an important part of a harmonioussociety and harmonious doctor-patient relationship is a common pursuit both doctorsand patients. Our government is hard on working to ease the doctor-patient conflictsand provide a better medical environment for public,at the same time,our mediashould also do something for making a objective, impartial, comprehensivedoctor-patient relationship reports, no vilifing the medical side image deliberately,striving to strengthen communication between doctors and patients, restoring the trustbetween them, and promoting the development of harmonious doctor-patientrelationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:doctor-patient relationship, Guangming Daily, positive reports, publicopinion to guide
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