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A Study Of Organazational Justice,Job Burnout And Mental Health Among Nurses

Posted on:2013-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2254330398484839Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: To study the relationship of organazational justice,job burnout andmental health among nurses.Methods:1286nurses from different grade hospitals were collected andevaluated with organazational justice,job burnout and mental health by instruments oforganazational justice questionare,maslach burnout inventory-general surveyquestionare (MBI-GS), and Kessler10psychological distress scale (k10). Data wasentered with epidata6.0software,analysed by spss13.0statistics software. Independent–samples t-test and one-way ANOVA analyse were used to analyse the demographicfactors to organazational justice, Pearson correlations and spearman correlations wereused to analyse the relationship between organazational justice and job off intending、job satisfaction.Hierarchical multiple regression and binary logistic regression wereused to explore the explanatory of the independent variables to the dependent variables.Results: Most of nurses experienced slight below the moderate lever ofdistributive justice. There is significant differrence of distributive of organazationaljustice with different demographic groups.Age below40,jobage below20yeas got thehighest organazational justice scores,which means they felt the worst organazationaljustice eapecially in distributive justice.Nurses whose jobage below20years got higherscores of distributive justice than those whose jobage over30years(p<0.05). Nurseswhose age below40years got higher scores of distributive justice than those whose ageover40years (p<0.05). Degree of educational was the dangerous factor oforganazational justice,and age from40to50was the ptotective factor oforganazational justice. Nurses who worked in emergency or intensive unit got higherscores of distributive justice than others(p<0.01). Nurses worked in city got higherscores of distributive justice than those in rural(p<0.01).Nurses worked in three gradehospitals got higher scores of distributive justice than others(p<0.01). There is no significant correlation both in sex and marriage with distributive justice. There isabout28%nurses had a bad mental health. There is significant correlation betweenorganazational justice and turnover intention,job satisfactory (p<0.01). The fourdementions of the organazational justice seem to be the significant explanatory of jobburnout and mental health. organazational justice is significantly positive correlated tothe job burnout and mental health. Except demographic factors, organazational justiceadded25%explanatory to emotional exhaustion,26%explanatory todepersonalization,4%explanatory to personal accomplishment,25%explanatory tomental health.Conclusion:(1) Most of nurses experience slight below moderate leveral ofdistributive justice and satisfied with Procedural justice,leader justice,leaderinterpretation (2) Age below40years, jobage below20years nurses experience theworst organazational justice. Age from40to50was the ptotective factor oforganazational justice.(3) Degree of Educational was the dangerous factor oforganazational justice(4) There is significant correlations between organazationaljustice and turnover intention,job satisfactory.(5) There is significant correlationsbetween organazational justice and job burnout,mental health(.6)It is necessary for themanagement of the Health Department and Human Resources Department inconsideration of appropriate actions to enhance the organazational justice especially indistributive justice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Organazational Justice, Job Burnout, Mental Health
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