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Research On The Architectural Configuration And The Technique Features Of The Palace Of Qin Dynasty

Posted on:2015-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330431466327Subject:Architectural History and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Architecture is a necessary part of people’s daily life and human civilization. Buildingsmade by various ethnic groups and in different regions are indicative of their economicfoundation and social environment. The appearance of buildings would be under the influenceof concept, ideology, natural environment and patriarchal system. The palace, which servedthe monarchy, refers to a significant type in ancient architecture system. In a long history offeudal society, the centralization of imperial power was fully developed. Meanwhile, thepalace, predominantly representative of feudalism, reached the peak of traditionalarchitecture.The Qin Palace, in which saw the rise and fall of several empires, is supposed to be thehighest achievement of timber buildings in Qin Dynasty, with the best techniques available atthat time.Yet little remains above the ground because of the long wear of time. Fortunately, anincreasing number of archeological sites of Qin and Han have been discovered withconsiderable findings. On the basis of archaeological reports and historical literature, theauthor attempts to reconstruct the image of Qin Palace to an extent that hopefully will fill thegaps in the study.Chapter1introduces the background and significance of this study. Then it elaboratesthe research achievement in related fields. In this chapter, the author also establishes theobjective and methodology, and by analyzing the social development and traditional ritualsystem of Qin Dynasty, tries to shed light on some archaeological reconstruction cases. Thusthe general characters and configuration, as well as the method of restoration, can be betterinterpreted.Chapter2speculates on the layout and structure of the Ah Fang Palace based on acombination of historic records and literature, the palace remains, and the archaeologicalreconstructions.Chapter3analyses a lot of information about the archaeological reconstruction ofterraced pavilion, from the Qin Dynasty Xianyang Palace, Wang Tang Building of the Zhao YuTu of Zhongshan Kingdom during the Warring States period, the Weiyang Palace of theWestern Han Dynasty, and Chang’an Imperial Academy. By diachronic and synchroniccomparison, the paper studies the image of terraced pavilions and the space of rammed-earthstructure in Ah Fang Palace.Chapter4accomplishes the reconstruction of the Ah Fang Palace, by studying historicalrecords and literature, investigating, comparing and analyzing the funerary wares and brickengravings from Qin and Han dynasties. By comprehensive comparison of different plans, theauthor expects that the final reconstruction would conform to the historical facts as close aspossible. Design drawings show the results, which will reach the level of scheme design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qin Period, Palace Complex, Layout, Terraced Pavilions, Technique Features
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