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Research On Congestion Pricing Based On Day-to-day Dynamics

Posted on:2015-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330428976402Subject:Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the speeding up of urban motorization, the city traffic congestion becomes more and more serious in world’s large and medium-sized cities. Traffic jam caused serious social and economic losses, reduced transportation efficiency, decreased residents’living quality, and accelerated the deterioration of urban environment. Congestion mitigation and smooth road has been the important topic of the concern of the government and people’s daily life, congestion pricing as one of the most effective method of traffic demand management system, is also the focus of research experts and scholars in our country or abroad.This paper at first studied relevant domestic and international researches in detail, mainly focus on congestion pricing and day-to-day dynamic model. After studied relevant domestic and international researches in detail, analyze the characters of congestion pricing from economics views, which focus on discussing the equity of congestion pricing. Road congestion pricing was raised under the station that the road network’s capacity can’t meet all travelers’ needs, and road congestion pricing aims to regulate road network’s traffic flow, congestion pricing and road traffic assignment are closely connected. Equilibrium or non-equilibrium traffic assignment models are all the description to the traffic distribution on road networks, meanwhile day-to-day dynamic traffic assignment model was a model which describes travelers today’s behaviors according to former behaviors and road network characteristics in past and current time.On the basis of dissecting previous studies and basic theories, this paper researched on the day-to-day dynamic model and congestion pricing. Through the research based on the dynamic allocation model of congestion charging on a daily basis, day-to-day’s dynamic allocation model and transportation network features can be observed. This paper discussed how the crowded road pricing impact on the traffic flow evolution, and gets some conclusion which under a crowded road pricing without constraint, by charging appropriate crowded roads toll, the transportation system can reach the optimal state in one day; and derived the boundary conditions whether the traffic system oscillated a or not. Then, Put forward a charging strategy to reach the system optimal state, which the traffic system is under the condition of no shocks, and limited days in N.
Keywords/Search Tags:Congestion pricing, Day-to-day dynamic model, Impact analysis, Systemshock, System Optimization
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