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Design And Implementation Of Shenyang Intelligent Transportation Planning And Scheduling System

Posted on:2014-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330425968876Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this century, urban traffic has been the disturbing problem for industriallyadvanced countries. In the1980s, economic, trade and social activities of China citieswere increasingly busy. With the unprecedented rapid growth of urban traffic, thetraditional road transport facilities cannot meet the needs of modern society. To easetraffic pressure and improve the traffic situation, the state has vigorously developedpublic transport. For a more efficient use of public transportation, there is an urgentneed to establish an intelligent transport and scheduling system for public transport.This paper first analyzes the current researches of intelligent transportation systemand the problems of present. Then, it analyzes the needs of intelligent bus transport andscheduling system, i.e., achieving computer planning, work with the scheme, providingoperational resources data management, statistical reports and other export capabilities,and through self-scheduling, operational monitoring software to provide automatedscheduling support. According to the functional requirements of the system, the systemis divided into planning and scheduling modules, which include trips informationmanagement, service information management, information collection, multi-linescheduling information exportation, specific style exportation plans, interface styleexportation, personnel leaving state setup, and other major functions. Finally, based onMicrosoft Visual Studio2008development platform and by using the C#programminglanguage and Oracle database, intelligent bus transportation and scheduling system isdeveloped. By a black-box testing, the anticipated functions of our system are proved tobe basically correct. The system can accurately grasp the real-time information ofpersonal and vehicle, effectively leading the bus scheduling service, further improvingthe management level, service level, and efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intelligent Transport System, Planning and Scheduling System, TrafficPlanning, Vehicle Scheduling, C/S
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