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Feasibility Study For Highway Electronic Toll Collection System To Expand The Application Range

Posted on:2014-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330425963370Subject:Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since1996, the electronic toll collection (ETC) system in China’s highway and implementation of applied research has made great progress, and accumulated a considerable experience, our ETC users increased year by year, the networking area has gradually expanded, but ETC system yet achieve economies of scale. To further promote the development of the ETC system, fully tap the resources based on5.8G band high frequency, wide bandwidth, two-way communication, transportation and many other special advantages, ETC application research focus is gradually shifted from the highway urban roads. How to use the basic strengths and depth of excavation ETC5.8G band resources to solve current urban road operations and information service issue has become a hot research question.Firstly, this paper further analysis of the development potential of ETC by comparing the Japanese experience in the successful development of the ETC, and in accordance with China’s national conditions, it found that only the development of mining and technology applied to more urban road traffic, with the ETC technology solutions urban transport certain issues in order to bring the whole ETC scale development.Secondly, this paper describes the application ETC technologies in urban transport are two important directions, namely technology-based ETC public parking system and multi-lane free-flow system(MLFF) construction and application. Through the public parking system and the multi-lane free-flow system overall composition, equipment layout, network data transmission, security management, and key auxiliary systems such as the description and design, to further tap the5.8G band based resources and technology to achieve ETC urban road traffic applications and highway applications integration. Third, this paper presents a new generation of electronic toll applications urban intelligent transportation systems operation and management mode, to achieve the electronic toll operators, end users, local governments, highway owners, parking fees owners, law enforcement agencies as well as multi-bank units, cross-sectoral coordination of joint management for future operations urban intelligent traffic management to provide a reference.Finally, through the ETC technology in urban traffic-benefit analysis, and further demonstrates ETC technology to solve the existing problems while urban transport bring significant economic and social benefits. ETC will expand the range of applications as well as the development of intelligent transportation urban freeway scale effect manifestation of great significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Highway, Urban Transport, ETC, Public Parking, MLFF
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