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Research About The Traditional Residence Forms In Xijiang River Downstream

Posted on:2014-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W F QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330425476639Subject:Degree in architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Downstream Xijiang River in Guangdong Province, the western basin, includingZhaoqing, Yunfu City, and most (except Huaiji County, Canton County, the four outside thecity), a long history, Qin and Han Dynasty was the political, economic and cultural center inLingnan, since the Tang and Song transportation and other external conditions changegradually decline, the current economic development of Guangdong Province is relativelybackward regions. With the rapid development of modern economy, a large number oftraditional villages were devastation, so for the Xijiang River Basin downstream villages andprotection of records residential buildings, as well as their regional culture, and create aregular feature and design research is particularly important.Downstream Xijiang River Basin belongs to the Cantonese culture sub-culture area, alocation that also from northern Guangdong Hakka Cultural District close, so residentialconstruction in Cantonese style, while there are many Hakka-style building, there are a largenumber of houses evident for two kinds of architectural cultures results. Combined area of themajority, the villages have different historical, cultural, environmental and other conditions,residential buildings throughout the region presents a diverse state of coexistence, theformation of different architectural features, has a unique regional.Based on the study watershed downstream Xijiang village residential building, firstthrough a lot of literature to read and organize master its historical development and importanthistorical information. Then select the overall environment of the village well preservedexamples of various types of more traditional residential architecture, architectural formswith some typical traditional village of thirteen as a study area. A large number of traditionalhouses in the local field research and mapping analysis, master save the status quo and tolearn from the results of previous studies based on the use of theoretical analysis, types ofstudies, comparative research methods research were discussed. Through the study area indifferent periods, different types of village layout and residential buildings were analyzed tograsp the local residential construction prototype, characteristics and laws of development for the future of traditional residential architecture Xijiang River Basin downstream furtherresearch and conservation work to lay a foundation.Based on the research building in the area affected by the multi-cultural situation, a largebay star village selected this typical region as the main object of analysis. Geography andhistory through the village environment, residential construction layout, elevation profilecharacteristics, features and other aspects of decoration discussed in detail analysis, we foundits unique architectural features. Then with typical houses and Hakka Cantonese horizontalcomparison, explore the local residential construction and the relationship between thedifferent building and development of cultural origins, and summed up the region’s residentialarchitecture to create a unique architectural features and design rules.
Keywords/Search Tags:Downstream Xijiang River, traditional residence, residence forms
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