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A Research On Traditional Settlement Pattern And Its Development In YunFuyaogushuidong Village

Posted on:2014-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330425455645Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China has a lot of traditional settlement cultural heritage,its has Rich cultural connotation,Reflects the colorful national culture,Human adaption to the natural and shows great living wisdom.But development under the impact of "globalization" showed the loss of China’s regional culture,imbalance in the development of urban and rural areas,Showed the decline of the traditional local culture.traditional villages Planning,building construction Reflect the harmony between man and nature.Results in line with social advocacy the eco energy-saving, sustainable development.But did not arouse people’s attention.The villagers are descendants of Chenghao who is the founder of Neo-Confucianism.The planning and development of the settlement with the concept of "Neo-Confucianism" of historical and cultural.The Shuidong Village has a unique culture and history, as well as North and South architectural characteristics,Research and discussion of its settlement pattern development strategy,It is the heritage and development of the architectural culture of the region of our country;In the modern balanced urban-rural development Solve the problem of the decline of the traditional settlement has great significance.Based on the above background, the paper selected the western Guangdong Yunfu Yaogu Shuigong village as the object of study,The overall form of the settlement and its development as the main research content,Through the on-site survey, mapping, data collection, analysis, summary research methods,Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the settlement pattern,Including the impact of the history of the formation, development process,and identify the problem,explore problem-solving strategies.The core concern of this paper is a summary of the characteristics of the settlement pattern,Analysis of settlement status quo existing development difficulties,Put forward the feasibility of the development strategy. This article is divided into four chapters,The first chapter is the introduction; The second chapter is Study the formation of the village, change the status quo,To explore villages background, formed in history,modern changes and the status quo,Analysis of the existing problems of village development;The third chapter is Research the villages morphological,Analyzed in detail from the cultural district, village, construction, summed the characteristics and value of the village; Chapter four is study village modern development strategy,discussion from of culture, villages, building,Proposed village renewal and transformation strategy in modern society.Innovation: The introduction of anthropology Cultural District,Regional common traditional\interaction Circle,"Cultural change",To explore the formation and change of the traditional settlement;View of sustainable development to guide the development of settlements,Development and protection combined,"Dynamic" to protect the ancient village.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional settlement, Settlement pattern, Development, Shuidong village
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