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A Study On The Maintenance Management Of The Existing Buildings In The Urban Areas

Posted on:2014-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422965476Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently, the building acreage in the urban areas of our country has exceeded40billion square meters, and most of them have security failures or become vestigial.But it is not feasible to dismantle all of them and to rebuild, which is also a greatwaste of resources. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain and manage the existingbuildings effectively, which will contribute to achieving their design working life andextending their service life. However, there is no sound building maintenancemanagement system in our country so far, which has hindered the implementing ofbuilding maintenance management.This thesis is to overcome that contradiction. On the basis of the analyses ofthe current situation of the building maintenance management in the mainland of ourcountry, it focuses on the building maintenance management systems of Hong Kong,Taiwan, Singapore, America, Britain and Japan principally from the practicalperspective of policies and laws, and subsidiary from the theoretical perspective ofacademic research. Though those analyses, we can obtain some probably referablelessons and find out whether they are feasible in the mainland by analyzing them onthe basis of the comparison of the specific conditions of those different areas. Thus, inthe end, there come the referable inspirations and the perspective of the laterresearches.
Keywords/Search Tags:Building Maintenance Management, Contrast Research, AdaptabilityAnalyses, Inspirations
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