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The Research Of Kashi Traditional Architecture Carved Art

Posted on:2014-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330422958270Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Located in Southwest Xinjiang, Kashgar is the most important trade transitpoint on the ancient Silk Road. It is called the "crossroad" of the Silk Road, wheredifferent cultures meet to create unique coexistence of multi-dimensionaldevelopment. The unique art in Kashgar is derived from these cultures, and, as atypical representative, the building carving and decoration is developing with strongethnic characteristics, which is an important part of the traditional craft culture inXinjiang as well as a wonderful work among our national traditional crafts.The present thesis takes the traditional architecture carving in Kashgar as theresearch object, analyzing and summarizing in detail the background, craftsmanshipand artistic features of the Kashgar traditional architecture by means of datacollecting, interviewing and comprehensive analysis, finding out the carving artfeatures of Kashgar traditional architecture and making in-depth analysis.The present thesis is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is a briefintroduction to the research background, literature, research methods, purpose andsignificance of the Kashgar traditional architecture carving art.The second chapterintroduces the relevant background of the Kashgar traditional architecture carving art,focusing on the natural conditions of its occurrence, main factors and multiculturalenvironment. It is this multi-cultural atmosphere and the special geographicalenvironment that provide Kashgar a platform for the occurrence and development ofits traditional architecture carving art. Therefore, the development of Kashgarcarving art has the inevitability of history and culture.Chapter three makes a detaileddescription of the concept and classification, the relationship between craftmanshipand building of Kashgar traditional architecture carving, which includes traditionalwood carving, brick carving, plaster carving with rich decorative patterns and shape,unique craft techniques, reflecting the rhythm of Kashgar regional traditional cultureand the Uighur culture.The fourth chapter focuses on the characteristics of Kashgartraditional architecture carving art, studying and summarizing the decorative parts,patterns, colors and aesthetic characteristics. Chapter five gives some personal viewson the protection and inheritance according to the current development of Kashgartraditional architecture carving.The traditional architecture carving in Kashgar is considered as a reality carrierof folk culture, an important part of the regional culture, and also as a wonderfulwork among national and folk cultures, it carries cultural coherence and continuity. It is a carrier of regional historical and cultural recording and dissemination, playing arole both esthetical as well as cultural. Through the present research, it is of greatsignificance to understand their relationship between the modern urban development,to strengthen the local characteristics of Chinese architecture, to provide a referencefor the construction of new houses and new rural culture and applying the essence ofthe traditional art to the modern architecture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kashgar, Uygur nationality, Traditional architecture, Carving art
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