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Taking Stones As Drawing Of Blueprint

Posted on:2014-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChengFull Text:PDF
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As an integral part of Chinese traditional culture, Chinese traditional garden is bothan important carrier and an important part of our culture. It·s unique and has afar-reaching influence in the world. Traditional garden culture are consisted intraditional Chinese culture, making it colorful, ever-changing, the key point is that itconsists artistic conception of the traditional garden hidden in the mood to reminisce asthe guiding ideology. In this research of Chinese landscape painting, art style as theguiding ideology and the set stone rockery as the core content of the Chinese landscapepainting. Through natural and metaphorical skills, penetration in the garden moodperformance, to express the garden through the principles of psychological awarenessreflected in the components of the state of the garden was its thinking mode, valueorientation, and aesthetic characteristics the specific content of mentality culture.Chinese traditional garden is a microcosm of Chinese ancient culture, and in thetraditional garden development process, almost all the ancient Chinese literati aredirectly involved in the construction process of the garden, and gradually formed a deepcultural concept and advanced skills, the traditional Chinese garden landscape layoutdominant position. Accounting for the entire garden landscape, rocks are indispensableelements and play a very important role. As an old saying:" Park can be no mountains,but can·t be no stones "," stones with trees seems more beautiful, and trees with stoneslooked firm ", the Chinese traditional garden rocks with flowers and trees, is the naturalform of the imitation of nature mountain and plants. Therefore, the material and the mood are close to the nature. So, the using of landscape painting artistic conception isvery exquisite to gardening.Chinese landscape painting is a particular painting style in China, and the mostimportant mood in Chinese mind, it regard the mountain as a spirit, and the water as theintrinsic consciousness, awareness of visual illusion of the coast to coast, has been alandscape interpretation of the central axis of the main line; It has the some cultural andideological foundation with the Chinese traditional garden, through different methods ofexpression, to the performance of the traditional aesthetics of nature. Both in thedevelopment process of mutual penetration, a mutual complementaryrelationship. Today, mountain·, water·, plant·are indispensable natural elements in thelandscape which is also a Chinese landscape painting landscape mood of theperformance of the soul element. How to set stones, water and plants, building for thesoul grasp of garden art core elements, give full imagination and creativity, combine thelandscape painting with garden art to ultimately achieve the art level of walking in thepainting·.Chinese traditional garden Stones has been simulated the nature. Chinesetraditional garden Stones in all forms including ax craft, ghost craft, lotus leaf craft,hemp craft and so on, different texture has the different craft mode, to express the naturetheory of "hand making, but just as nature".In contemporary China, a lot of design work in the ideological connotation are lackof vitality and did not show a memorable cultural connotation and mood, so the study ofcultural connotation and mood creating of Chinese classical gardens, will be able toguide the design for our landscape.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huaqing Palace, traditional garden, Stones, landscape, mood performance
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