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Research And Practice On Eco-landscape Distribution In New Town Design

Posted on:2013-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2252330392470740Subject:Architecture and Civil Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To develop new towns is an inevitable approach to enhance urbanism in China,and also an important way of exploring solutions of development problems. Cities inChina are changing rapidly since the late1970s, together with the deep transformationof Chinese society. Following the changes in economy, industry and demographicprofile, the previously formed urban structure is not sufficient to support the growingneeds of citizens, and the emerging problems has restricted the healthy urbandevelopment. However, new town opens up a fresh prospect. On the one hand, itrelieves the development contradiction of mega cities; on the other hand, it providespractical schemes to solve urban problems, as an independent urban composition.Urban development relies on prospective planning. Since Ebenezer Howardintroduced the idea of garden cities in late nineteenth century, the planning principlesand design techniques of new town have been developed for over a-hundred-years,thus become more and more mature in many respects. The study on spatial planning ismainly to create rational urban structure and solve development problems by adjustinglayout to the largest extent in new town planning. Main development drivers, such asindustry and infrastructures, had always played leading roles in previous researches,with sustainable and landscape concerns as supports. Yet, complying with thegrowing attentions on living environment, quality of life and urban efficiency,researches in regard of eco-environment will ultimately push the latter to a leadingplace that dominates planning.Therefore, this article starts with eco-landscape distribution and mainly focuseson urban design techniques of new town. By establishing an ideal new town scenario,it explains the eco-landscape strategies, setting forth the key elements, shows how thelandscape shapes urban pattern and leads to more efficient urban structure, thus solvesthe urban problems and sets up a model of sustainable development for Chinese cities.
Keywords/Search Tags:new town, urban design, eco-landscape distribution
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