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Analysis On The Technical Advancement And Application Environment Of Pwr Gasification Technology In China

Posted on:2014-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330422954300Subject:Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a large energy consumption country, the characteristics of China’s naturalsources can be summarized as rich of coal, lack of oil and short of gas. Coal takesan important part of China’s one-off resources. China is both of the largest coalexploration and the largest consumption country in the world with the secondlargest coal reservation. How to use coal in a more effective and cleaner way is theChina’s long-term strategic development target.Chemical industry is one of the most important parts of China’s economic andcoal is its main raw material. Coal gasification technology is the process to transfercoal to gas raw materials for many other industries and is the core part of the coalchemical industry.Based on a revolutionary advanced gasification technology, which is developedby Pratt&Whitney Rocketdyne, this thesis will analysis and study on the technicaladvancement and application environment of it in China.The analysis part contains three sessions: analysis and study on technicaladvancement and economic rationality of PWR gasification technology and itsapplication environment in China’s gasification technology market.In the first and second session, the thesis will make comparisons among thePWR gasification technology and other two main current ones (Shell gasification technology and Texaco gasification technology) in the market from both technicaland economic aspects. In the third session, the thesis will use PEST model andPorter5forces model as analysis tools to discuss the situation from both externaland internal environment of the gasification technology market in China.At last, the thesis provides conclusions and suggestions for the development ofPWR gasification technology launched in China by summarizing the analysis fromthe market, technology and economics aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:gasification, dry solid pump, technical advancement, applicationenvironment
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