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The Study Of Ecological Compensation Mechanism Of Trans-provincial Basin

Posted on:2014-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M B ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330401472313Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The basin is an integrated ecological system of strong entirety and high RelationshipThese characteristics demand design the inter-basin ecological compensation System from theangle of the whole basin, Break through the limitation of administrative regions, theestablishment of a basin-wide ecological compensation mechanism, and are not confined tothe provincial administrative areas.However, since the basin covers a vast area, involves anumber of provinces and cities, often artificial divide between different administrative regions,this place administrative division system does not have a scientific combination of themanagement system of China’s regional and river basin management and did not overcomethe this kind of malpractice, but to strengthen the local interests. Watershed segmentation,decentralized management system, the various stakeholders in the basin is difficult throughcollective action to achieve common interests of various entities rational thinking based ontheir own interests tend to fall into the “tragedy of the commons”,“Prisoner’s Dilemma plight,This leads to ecological compensation in China are mainly concentrated in difficulties in theimplementation of the province, trans-provincial river basin ecological compensation. Tobreak the plight of our ecological system of compensation must go beyond the current localgovernment administrative division basin management, to break local protectionism,trans-provincial river basin ecological compensation is to strengthen the innovation system ofconsultation and cooperation between the upstream and downstream of the basin, isconducive to basin-wide “shared interests and shared responsibilities.”In the domestic and international existing research results on the basis of river basinecological compensation, ecological compensation theoretical basis are reviewed to define theconcept and connotation of trans-provincial river basin ecological compensation based on thebasin scale and scope of the compensation,; the special nature of trans-provincial river basinecological compensation analysis, discusses the theoretical basis and practical needs oftrans-provincial river basin ecological compensation. At the same time, the summary of therelevant laws and regulations and policies of ecological compensation in China, analysis oftrans-provincial river basin ecological compensation practice four modes, then find someproblems,China’s trans-provincial ecological Compensation reveal main responsibility is unclear compensation, compensation mechanism is the lack of long-term compensation forlack of funding. Analysis on the ecological compensation in the river basin ecologicalcompensation of foreign typical experience, and extract available for China’s trans-provincialriver basin ecological compensation, such as the implementation of integrated watershedmanagement, improve trans-provincial negotiation compensation mechanism by ownership ofclarity is to establish a market compensation.The results of this study mainly reflected the fifth part of the article, background reasonsfor the foregoing analysis, put forward three recommendations to improve the trans-provincialriver basin ecological compensation mechanism, rely on the central government top-leveldesign, develop appropriate laws and policies, establishment of cross-the legal status of theProvince of PWS, clear trans-provincial river basin ecological compensation, the specificcontent of the trans-provincial river basin ecological compensation fixed in the form of law, toensure the fairness of the trans-provincial river basin ecological compensation mechanism,long-term stability; Second, improve the functions of the watershed management committee,the establishment of trans-provincial river basin ecological compensation negotiation platform,and gradually carry out trans-provincial water rights trading, improve the assessmentmechanism for officials to build trans-provincial negotiation compensation mechanism. Third,through the establishment of public participation in the institutional, financial security system,third-party monitoring and evaluation system to protect the trans-provincial river basinecological compensation carried out smoothly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trans-provincial basin, The mechanism of basin ecological compensation, Themechanism of negotiation compensation
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