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Research On Project Staffing Of Tianjin HT Company

Posted on:2013-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330392970913Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Current, a lot of domestic landscape construction enterprises to invest in theproject construction and project management process, the enterprise management andthe project management team on project management, system managementknowledge also generally lack systematic understanding to the project, the importanceof human resources while ten seriously, but the lack of scientific and systematicunderstanding. In the greening landscape construction investment in theimplementation of the project, many enterprises still use the traditional projectmanagement with "the thing " as the center of the target management mode. Thismodel is the core idea, it is stressed that the project construction goals to guide projectmanagement and operation of the specific actions, and all project related action inorder to achieve the project ’s overall construction target of. In order to cost-effectivecompletion of project construction and management tasks, the target mode and projectgoals related to all economic activities and management activities, decompose,transformation, quantization for specific, operable, step by step, through the concretecontrol measures and action steps control to ensure the smooth implementation of thetarget. Specific greening landscape construction project quality, schedule, safety target,cost target, constitutes the target management mode restrict each other, can notpromote the goal system.Compared with other construction projects, green construction investmentproject has its own unique characteristics and inherent laws. The project subject toseasonal restrictions, project material life characteristics, the survival rate of plantmaterial, landscape of the non standard, aesthetic characteristics such as theuncertainty of the battery, greatly increase the greening landscape investment projectmanagement goal difficulty and complexity. Therefore, in the construction of projectof safeguard goal smooth realization process, involved in the project stakeholders,open-air construction work, link is much, the risk of construction. It is the uniquelandscape project, led to the greening landscape construction investment project in theprocess of construction, management is not controllable and uncertainty, vulnerable toclimate, season, weather and environment influence and interference. In this case, even more highlights the landscape project construction, science, reasonable, efficientallocation of human resources and the importance of. How to give a green landscapeconstruction investment project full, timely, effective to provide human resourcessupport, is the focus of this paper. Appropriate, timely, and the objectives of theproject is highly consistent with human resources management, can effectively ensurethe project quality, schedule, safety, cost effective control and achieve target. Humanresource allocation of scientific to project implementation and control to buildimportant resource allocation and management control of bridge. Through the full,full, proper deployment to meet the project needs of human resources, is to ensure thatall personnel to participate effectively in the project and give full play to humaneffectiveness of the premise, through the project of this organization for scientificmanagement of human resources, to achieve the goal of project construction withinthe benign interaction and coordinated development. Therefore, in order to ensure thatthe landscape construction of the investment benefit and the smooth implementationof the management team, considering the subject, is how reasonable, efficient to "person" this one special resource configuration, development and use, put the rightperson in the right position, define its role, and according to the project’s dynamicchange, rich various roles in different tasks, with the optimal allocation of humanresources to achieve the project goals to achieve.
Keywords/Search Tags:city greening construction investment company, human resourcesmanagement, project staff
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