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Research On The Supply Mechanism Of China’s Public Rental Housing

Posted on:2014-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398461197Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Public rental housing is a kind of indemnificatory housing that the government provide for medium and low-income population in the form of rental service. A lot of developed countries and regions used this way to solve the housing problems.However, public rental housing is still a new thing in our country, the concept first appeared in2009. Based on profound consideration with all kinds of irregularities in the implementation process of affordable housing policy, and attentions to the increasing "sandwich layer" who has no access to indemnificatory housing,and reference to the public housing system in developed countries and regions, public rental housing gets more and more attentions from the government and scholars. It’s just four years from premier wen jiabao offered to develop public rental housing for the first time in2009, public housing in our country is still in its infancy. In the process of constantly groping the way forward, public rental housing will be faced with lots of problems. Whether in theory or in practice, public housing needs further research and exploration.The purpose of this writing, on the one hand, by using correlation theory in political science, sociology, and administrative science, bulid a solid theoretical foundation of public rental housing construction; On the other hand, provide constructive suggestions for the perfection of the current public housing supply mechanism in China.This article altogether is divided into six parts. The introduction part mainly introduces the writing background of the article, the method and train of thought, as well as the research and practical exploration of public housing supply at home and abroad.The second chapter explores the starting point of public housing theoretical research, respectively explained why and how the government to assume the responsibility of the public rental housing supply. Housing rights belongs to the category of basic human rights, so Countries has the duty to provide citizens with adequate housing, besides,housing market failure phenomenon calls on the government to undertake the responsibility of providing affordable housing for medium and low-income groups. According to the theory of fairness and efficiency and the new public service theory, fair should become the first principle of public housing supply, the government should consider the citizen’s demand, actively guide civil and social factors to participate into the process of decision-making and implementation of public housing supply.The third chapter analyses China’s current housing security system and the present situation of the housing rental market, concluded the necessity of the construction of public housing, and then analyses the present situation of the public housing supply in Chongqing,Beijing and Shanghai, summarizes three commonly encountered problems in the process of public housing supply. They are, supply management is not perfect, insufficient funds, and distributive justice is difficult to guarantee.This chapter willtry to dig into the root cause.The fourth chapter introces the public housing system in USA. Germany, Japan and Hong Kong, and find out that the general safeguard measures through comparative study, such as the legislation safeguard, develop housing, rent subsidies, financial support and so on, and get the useful successful experience of public housing supply.The fifth chapter is the key research content. According to the specific condition of our country, put forward ideas and suggestions of perfecting our country’s public housing supply mechanism. Firstly, cultivate suitable soil for public housing development. Secondly, promote the diversification of public housing supply mode.Thirdly, set up perfect public housing decision-making and management system.Finally, perfect the relevant and management mechanisms to ensure fair distribution of public housing and ensure that public housing benefit to the real need of the low-income groups.Finally proposed that public housing supply in our country is still in its infancy, it needs deeper and more detailed research, only in this way can let the public rental housing well and more housing benefit disadvantaged groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public rental housing, Problems and analysis, Supply mechanism
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