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POS Advertising In China

Posted on:2014-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D A S M a t h i a s B o y e Full Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395977913Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Point of Sales (POS) advertising market is complex. This study aims to understand the Point of Sales Advertising market in China.The author takes his opportunity of having intern in POP Group, tries to study the Chinese market in retailing industry and shopper marketing, which are the key factors to be highlighted and discussed. The paper firstly introduces the world retailing market, towards to the Chinese market, in order to introduce the topic of POS.In order to understand better the market the author went through different phases of defining the question and methodology. The author tries to study the China’s tier cities concept and its retailing market there. The key findings are that this industry should (on the Long-Term) be considered as a Media. The only problem is to find a way to measure it properly.He then studied the market stakeholders (retailing industry and shoppers) and tried to give conclusions about how to measure the efficiency of Point of Sales Advertising.
Keywords/Search Tags:Point of Sales (POS) advertising, retailing industry, tier city in China
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