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The Development Of Township Enterprises In The New Rural Construction

Posted on:2014-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395498382Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Building a new socialist countryside is the main task of the "Eleventh Five-Year period, China’seconomic and social development. Now enter the "12th Five-Year period, but the new ruralconstruction is still China’s economic the social hotspot asked point. Township enterprises since thedate of this brought forward to the development of the surrounding countryside, and to promote thenew rural construction. However, township enterprises to absorb rural surplus labor, increasefarmers’ income, the support of public utilities in rural areas to promote the development of newrural construction, also on the rural environment caused a certain degree of damage, affecting therealization of the objectives of the new rural construction, and the township enterprise developmentis also subject to certain constraints. Township enterprises in the new rural construction periodshould be strictly in accordance with the overall objective of the new socialist countrysideconstruction development in enterprise management, use of resources, personnel training andabsorption, employee rights protection mechanisms, environmental protection, for the20-characterprinciple reform.This paper is divided into five parts. The first describes the background, to study the significanceof the research status of China’s township enterprises to promote the subject of the new ruralconstruction. The second part of the analysis of the significance of the new rural construction, aswell as the development of township enterprises and the characteristics of the new ruralconstruction of the requirements of the development of township enterprises. The third part ofChina’s township enterprises, the development of new rural construction. Township enterprises ofthe positive impact of the new rural development mainly in the provision of material foundation toabsorb a large number of rural surplus labor, increase farmers’ income and improve the overallquality of farmers and support rural development of public services, promoting ruralindustrialization and urbanization; township enterprises in the new rural the building negativeimpact mainly in the reduction of arable land, waste of resources, environmental pollution,protection of workers rights and interests of farmers. The fourth part of township enterprises of thenegative impact of the new rural construction. The fifth part of the measures to solve the negativeimpact of the township enterprises in the new rural construction. Major support from thegovernment with the social enterprise reform, rural development point of view, to explore the waysof the township enterprises in the new rural construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development, Townshipenterprises, Newruralconstruction, Countermeasure
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