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Researvh On Hierarchical Weighted Supply Chain Network

Posted on:2014-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395492789Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With social and economic globalization, the competition pressure increasing and market demand of diversity, supply chain gradually formed with a integration of purchasing alliance, production alliance and sales alliance. Supply chain has a typical network structure. It has a huge size of network and the interaction between the various nodes in the network is very complicated. Therefore, we can use complex network research to quantitative analysis for supply chain network. That is connect micro and macro properties, and predict the rich overall behavior of complex system. Complex network focuses on the microscopic interaction between individual in the system which leads to macroscopic phenomenon. And it focuses on analyze the relationship between the single point and the whole network from the perspectives of macroeconomic point of view to. Based on the complex network theory and supply chain management theory, this paper follows the common rules of people getting to know a new thing strictly:propose model, implement model, and analysis model. And the paper made a study of the topological property of the hierarchical weighted complex supply chain networks.First of all, this paper make references by review the development of the related theory. To carry on the analysis, the summary mainly from the weighted complex network, complex supply chain network and complex network survivability.Secondly, based on the preferences of the real enterprise, the paper reference the connectionism of complex network model, and proposed a hierarchical weighted complex supply chain network evolution model (HWSP model) which based on the preferential attachment of strength and path. Using computer software to program and simulate the evolution of HWSP model. Analyse characteristic parameters such as the degree distribution, strength distribution, cluster coefficient and average shortest path. This experiment data show that:HWSP model can truly depict scale-free feature of a hierarchical complex supply chain network in reality.Third, through the analysis of the survivability of the hierarchical complex supply chain network, global efficiency and connectedness were used to describe the survivability. Based on the hierarchical weighted complex supply chain networks imitated by HWSP model, the network survivability is tested under two different attacking methods:random attack and fixed attack. The paper proposes a new attack strategy-he overall strength fixed strategy to analyze the survivability of network. The experimental data show that:hierarchical complex supply chain network is sensitive to fixed attack, but robust under random attack.Finally, based on the survivability of the hierarchical complex supply chain network, improvement measures and management strategy to improve the survivability of supply chain network are put forward from the perspective of the supply chain.
Keywords/Search Tags:hierarchical supply chain network, weighted complexnetwork, survivability, supply chain management
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