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The Study Of The Embassy District Educational Resources In Beijing CBD

Posted on:2013-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J YingFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The current economic globalization is accelerating to a higher stage of evolution.Thefinancial globalization trend is irreversible. Conforming to the current economic situation,the Beijing Government proposed to build the financial center of the city with internationalinfluence. As the key construction of one of the six functional areas, Beijing CBD isfocusing on the development of international financial and cultural media industrygathering place. No doubt Beijing CBD plays an important role in the development of adirect impact on Beijing’s financial center of the city built height, and internationalinfluence. However, Beijing CBD has experienced nearly20years of development,currently there are some problems, which affect the own development of CBD, but alsoseriously will hamper the construction of Beijing’s financial center in the city. So, theultimate purpose of this thesis is to explore solutions and countermeasures of CBD’sproblems from the point of view of the construction of Beijing’s financial center and theCBD development.In the twenty-first century, the key to competitiveness lies in the talent. Thus takingthe geographic advantage of Beijing CBD, this thesis tries to solve problems in thedevelopment of Beijing CBD, from the perspective of education and talents. Beijing CBDarea has a lot of embassies and a large part of the foreign trading companies, multinationalcorporations and international financial institutions and foreign resources. So Beijing CBDoccupies a very favorable geographic advantage. Therefore, from the perspective of theembassy district resources, such as students, foreign workers, we can find a solution to theissue of CBD development. Based on analysis, there is a virtuous circle between thedevelopment of the CBD and embassy district educational resources (Attract-Improvement-Promotion) and this virtuous circle can be an effective solution to someproblems of the Beijing CBD. Finally, for a virtuous cycle between the CBD developmentand embassy district educational resources constraints, the thesis proposes some policyrecommendations to promote this virtuous circle to promote the CBD continued prosperity,to solve the problems in the CBD development.At last it can support the Beijing Financialthe construction of the center of the city.
Keywords/Search Tags:CBD, embassy district educational resources, financial center
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