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The Research On Project Internal Control Based On Risk Management

Posted on:2013-07-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development in Chinese economy, the infrastructure construction is progressing with big step forward, especially large scale projects which are conducted all around the nation. However, it should be noticed that efficient supervision and management are insufficient in many construction organization during engineering projects, not to mention that there are many other risk factors result in a lot of all kinds of problems including illegal bidding, lack of capital, working behind schedule and projects unqualified. It can be seen that strengthened construction management and thorough system of internal control is needed to ensure the goal of construction achieved with both quantity and quality.On the basis of the relevant references, the article first reviews the historical development and evolution of internal control, and then summarizes the current study situation of construction project internal control at home and abroad, after which a specified case study is demonstrated.To identify the importance of internal control in construction projects, the author conducted one-month investigation and survey in China Railway Bureau T, F company and its subordinate project department. The case chosen for this article is one of the projects in ChengYu passenger line. The reason for the choices can be considered in three aspects:First of all, China Railway Bureau T, F company is very experienced in construction projects, especially large-scale ones, Involved fields of railway, airport, subway, highway and construction engineering, which made it representative in the fields of construction project internal control with ample data information and sound system of project-risk-management; Secondly, the project in question is a large-scale one with limited time, multiplied risks and heavy workload, which highlight the importance of internal control; Thirdly, the author has built a relationship with the company as well as gained the first-handed information, which makes it easier to enrich the article.The structure of this article can be separated into six chapters:Chapter1is an introductory guidance introducing the backgrounds, purpose, frame and basic information of this article; Chapter2systematically reviews the practical and theoretical development at home and abroad. Chapter3introduces the reason for the choice of case as well as the results of field research, including the research process, current situation of the project internal control and its shortcomings. Chapter4specifically focuses on the ChengYu project, the author takes the goal of internal control and current risk as starting points and designs the internal control system for it. Chapter5proposes several control policy suggestion on the bases of major risks especially the political ones of the project. And Chapter6is a summery and outlook of the whole article.
Keywords/Search Tags:internal control, projects, risk management, investigation
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