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Changes In The Technology Road Of The Transition Period In China

Posted on:2013-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377454172Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Before1978, China’s economic system is a planned economic system, development strategy is a priority to the development of heavy industry to catch up strategy, systems and strategic options make our products and factor prices and long-term in the twisted state to support macro-development objectives. Transition to market economies, market-oriented reform and opening up, China’s production of vitality has been released, the vast majority of product prices has been planned price gradually transition to market supply and demand determine the price. However, the reform of factor prices during this period has been lagging behind, such superior elements and favorable foreign trade environment provides good conditions for China’s export trade, which also greatly promote China’s national economic growth.In recent years, due to rising wages for migrant workers, rising energy prices, the RMB continues to appreciate, financing difficulties and other reasons, China’s production costs rise, and increased the operating difficulties. Changes in the prices of these elements increase the production costs. In this paper, China’s planned economy period, the three stages of transition, the transition elements of the price analysis, description and analysis of the technology changes the path of research in China on this basis, it provides theoretical support for China in the past and the present stage of technological progress.The paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter explained the research background and significance of the topic of the article, the topics of this paper is proposed for the current situation of our country at this stage production of enterprises and national development strategies, the two parts of China’s technological progress discussed. This chapter also introduces the ideas and the main content of this study, research methods, the innovation of this paper as well as shortcomings that may exist. In order to make of this a macro. The second chapter is the literature review, research scholars of factor price distortions, including the reason twisted and distorted economic effects of both research, in addition to in this section also describes the economic circles Technical Progress and Economic Growth. A great inspiration to the literature of this part of the comb on the topics and research ideas.Chapter III has begun to enter the actual research phase. This chapter analyzes the planned economy period, China’s heavy industry development strategy and the planned economic system, as well as factor prices during this period is how distorted to support national development strategies. The fourth chapter describes the reform and opening up, China’s price reform is lagging behind, due to the imperfections of the factor price reform of technological changes. Chapter V is to be analyzed in the post-transition, that is, at this stage of the factor price changes, due to changes in the impact of technical change. The sixth chapter is a part of this article’s conclusions and policy recommendations, this paper considers in the history of economic development since the founding of our country, our country’s technological progress mainly rely on the introduction of technology, and now because of the large number of adverse external conditions and internal needs, we must intensify the intensity of technological innovation as a way to change China’s economic growth, China’s economy has sustained growth.The innovation of this paper include the following two aspects:1、The paper system, factor prices, technological change of the three combination of research, and establish a research framework of the Trinity, this is a large and innovative analysis methods.2、Many scholars of different periods of technological progress has been research, but less systematic research scholars from the early days of technological changes to the current path, such studies help us understand some of our previous economic system, the miracle of economic growth and look to the future path of China’s technological changes. In this regard, may be of another innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Economic System, Development Strategy, the Factor PriceDistortions, Changes in Technology Pat
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