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Bashu Area Han Chinese Traditional Parenting Customs

Posted on:2013-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z X HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377451365Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bashu Han nationality traditional fertility customs, mainly through the Bashu areas traditional fertility customs documents, interviews of the Oral and field trips to collate, research, supplemented by field surveys of the author and instructor materials, Bashu Han traditional education of popular culture three-dimensional unfolded. The paper is divided into the following chapters:A basic overview of the Chapter1Introduction Bashu areas, traditional marriage and family patterns. To study the characteristics of traditional fertility customs in Bashu Han. Comb farming culture, the concept of Confucian heirs, historical and geographical environment of Bashu Han nationality fertility customs. Focused on the traditional social background, education vulgar folk connotation.The second chapter explores the Bashu Han Praying for customs. Classification of things and activities of the symbol of fertility.The cultural connotations of a series of folk activities in the research imperative subroutine.The third Chapter III to sort out the birth process of the ceremony. at different stages of analysis of the customs and characteristics of Bashu Han Qingsheng.The last Chapter select customs representative conservation witchcraft studies. We found that witch craft beliefs play a role in the parenting process, and proposed conservation witch craft there is a certain scientific views; also pointed out that these are also reflected in the folk characteristics of real life in the Bashu areas childcare activities.Accordance traditional fertility vulgar chronological by specific education vulgar ceremony as the weft clues in the literature review process, consistent with the fieldwork, both made sterile custom restore and explore, but also made the interpretation of child-bearing viewpoints..
Keywords/Search Tags:Child Rearing Custom, Traditional ceremonies, Han people
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