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"jobless Poor" Governance Mechanism Research

Posted on:2013-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374492410Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After China’s rural poverty issue has been solved to some extent and the povertypopulation and poverty rate in rural area has gradually declined, economists and socialiststend to give more attentions to the problem of urban poverty which becomes more andmore severe in the process of china’s industrialization and urbanization. Yunnan province,which locates in the southwest of china, shows some distinctive features on the issue ofurban poverty.Among the various reasons that cause poverty, unemployment plays an important roleon the existing issue of china’s urban poverty. Along with the reforms in the state-ownedentrepreneurs and the Jacobinical employment policy which was put into use in1995, agreat number of workers who lost their jobs and those worked in a factory that was in thestate of off-production or semi-off-production as well as their families were reduced to themajor components of poor people in cities. The expanded enrollment in a big scale thatbegan in1998resulted in a more fierce competition in job market, which in turn causedmore people who are out of job and join in the class of low income and poverty. Meanwhile,peasants who lost their land in the process of urbanization were forced to find a living incities turn out to be another group of people who are likely to develop poverty.In this paper, the author took Yunnan province as his object to deploy his study andsurvey. The author discussed the issue of urban poverty happening in Yunnan provincefrom the angle of both theoretical and data statistical analysis. After that, the author putforward his policy to cope with the poverty caused by unemployment-to increase theemployment opportunity as more as possible.This paper falls into five parts. In the first part, the author briefly introduced thebackground of the topic selection, the relative research methods and technical course.Besides, he reviewed the relevant home and abroad literature on the topic of unemployment,poverty and poverty caused by unemployment, in order that it can provide meaningfulreference to the afterward research. Sequently, the author introduced the theories and international experience on dealingwith poverty, including the definitionabout poverty and its standard, measuring method ofpoverty line. In the part of international experience, the author included the relevanttheories and policies that the USA, the EuropeanUnion, japan and India employed to copewith the problem of unemployment, poverty and to expand employment.The third chapter is the main part of this paper. In this part, we began to do someconcrete job. We analyzed the population and rate of unemployment data from2006to2010, finding the relation between unemployment and poverty, pointing out that therelativity of unemployment and poverty are notable at the level of0.05.In chapter four, the author proposed his policies to cope with the urban poverty causedby unemployment. The author put forward policies from two aspects. From the angle ofindividual, they should participate more training to enhance their knowledge and skill inorder to meet the need of job market. From the angle of government, they should employpolicies that are able to create more jobs and decline poverty. Also, it is necessary toevaluate the effectiveness and their economic and social benefits.Chapter five was the brief conclusion of this paper. In this part, we summed up thebasic conclusions of this paper, demonstrating the possible innovation and still existingshort-comings, pointing out some spots that deserve further study.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban unemployment, urban poverty, poverty caused by unemployment
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