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The Analysis On The Migrant Willingness Of Working In Urban And Its Influences

Posted on:2013-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CuiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From micro perspective, migration is most likely the individual decision. In rural China, however, individual migration, to a large extent, is often the result of family decision-making, which aims at maximizing family income.The willingness of individual migration is the possibility of his migrating behavior. In rural China, the importance of family becomes the mainstream, which is likely dominating farmer’s will, being influenced by every aspects in family, for instance, household income, expenditure and local so status, etc.Basic individual circumstance is a personal decision-making or family decision-making, will take the individual conditions into account, such as gender, age, educational level and working condition. They are also considered by a lot of demographic researchers as the most fundamental factors impacting migration. This will also be argued in the thesis. In my point of view, a subjective psychology significantly affect their actions, such as people who lack of congenital condition would like to make more effort in life instead of counting more on their innate capacity. In that case, the paper will focus on psychological condition in the willingness of migration.Statistics and population migration are occupying a significant role in the demographic theory while they are rarely compined in the study. CGSS is the first comprehensive and continuity large-scale survey project in China, which is regularly and systematically investigate the systematically investigate every aspect of social life, by collecting data to analysize China’s current social situation. The openness of these data provides important information for academic research, and in favor of observing the domestic social changes in long term and also the difference compared with the international community. CGSS has large amounts of data can be used for the demographic, though opening to the public, they are rarely used in population studies because of its scale and formality.For my part, the data could be fully taken advantage of to help demograhic researcher with errors and issues caused by lacking data.This paper will attempt to inegrately combine statistics and population migration to solve some problems through the statistic analysis of CGSS2006.
Keywords/Search Tags:Migrant wishes, Personal status, Family status, Logistmodel
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