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The Exsiting Problems And Countermeasures Of Compensation Management For H Company

Posted on:2013-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371482321Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Compensation management is a difficult issue in human resource management,but it also is the focus of the study of modern management theory. The compensationsystem is perfect or not always closely related to the fate of the enterprise, especiallyfor high-tech companies in the development process in the rational allocation of laborcosts to attract talented people to play a crucial role. With the progress of socialdevelopment and management science, compensation management concept get moreand more attention for many enterprises. Because of the lag compensationmanagement system, there are still many high-tech companies not only can’t mobilizethe enthusiasm of the staff, but also become an important factor restricting thedevelopment of enterprises. H Company ’s high-tech research and development,achieved rapid development in the company’s business is also facing the sameproblem.First of all, the articles were combing the literature of the salary, summarized,summarizes previous research and theoretical perspectives on compensationmanagement; Second, through charts and other H’s organizational structure, humanresources and compensation management status quo. senior management, TechnicalStaff, marketing type of staff and administrative functions of the type of staff salarystructure and condition of; Third, the remuneration of management status of the HCompany to conduct field research, through the staff survey, from remuneration levelof fairness and external competitiveness, the rationality of the structure, incentives,etc. to identify the problems of H in pay administration and analysis of the causes ofthe problem; fourth, according to the analysis on these issues, combined with salaryimprovements principle, the H’s proportion of pay adjustment in compensation management improvements should play broadband pay utility, introduction of acomprehensive remuneration philosophy reasonable to set the pay gap and moderatethe implementation of flexible benefits and other ideas, and proposed improvementprogram for different categories of workers compensation management, including theimplementation of the annual salary system for senior managers, technical staff, theimplementation of the broadband pay and establish the channels of two-track salary,marketing staff, the implementation of post shunt management, and administrativefunctions to extend the range of variation of their pay for performance and to increasethe necessary conditions of assessment and other measures; Fifth, the relatedmeasures to ensure effective implementation of the improvement program in thedevelopment process should establish a people-oriented, and the need to furtherimprove the performance appraisal system, increase staff participation, and enhancethe training of its staff to strengthen the building of enterprise culture. Finally, the H’ssalary management, compensation management must meet the company’sdevelopment strategy; follow inside and outside the pay system should be formulatedon the principle of fairness; salary incentives to meet the different needs of employees;pay system to meet market demand; compensation management process should payattention to the guiding role of the corporate culture conclusions, in order to solve theexisting problems of the H’s salary management, salary to play a real incentive tohave practical significance, and high-tech companies solve the problem ofcompensation management in the enterprise development process play a certainreference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:H Company, Compensation Management, Problems, Countermeasures
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