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Research On Regional Logistics Development Of Jilin Province Based On The Theory Of Biological Populations’ Interpretation

Posted on:2013-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371479427Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A certain range of Logistics as an important support and an integral part of economicdevelopment within a certain area, whose development is good or bad directly impact andconstrain the regional economic trend, so the representatives of the regional Logisticsresearch, particularly in the administrative provinces or typical regional Logistics level ofdevelopment, more and more get the favor of many scholars and foreign experts, andscholars have made certain achievements in research in the field of regional Logistics, inwhich the research focuses in the field of regional Logistics level of competitiveness, mutualassistance between the regional Logistics and regional economy, regional Logistics and othermajor industries of the joint development. Make an important contribution to the regionalLogistics development policy formation and estate planning.Although the regional Logistics research is already mature, the various theories of theRegional Logistics Research is not perfect, a certain lack of systemic. In reference to manyscholars on the basis of the time state of the regional Logistics development, the thesisconsider the overall trend of the regional physical development over time, and study thefuture trend of the regional Logistics development.In the study of the regional Logistics area,at the same time, also to study some extenttheory of biological populations, interpretation of the theory, and found that biologicalpopulations and regional Logistics under certain conditions, they have a certain similarity,the biological populations deductive theory is introduced into the development trend ofregional Logistics. Making full use of biological populations’ deductive theory-Logisticbiomass increases model, establish the regional Logistics growth model, and use from1992to2010in Jilin Province regional Logistics development indicators and data, regressionanalysis of regional Logistics development in Jilin Province. Results are as follows:Regional Logistics development in Jilin Province is currently in which the period aswell as future trends,quantitative Jilin regional Logistics development in the generator of thelate in2019,and the regional Logistics development in Jilin Province will enter a phase of rapid growth, while qualitative analysis and qualitative analysis agreement with the results ofquantitative analysis.According to the research of previous scholars, in order to better analyze the researchresults, generate earlier in the junction point of the growing10%to obtain the RegionalLogistics Development of Jilin Province in2014into the fast growing period. For thepreparation phase and transition period, further analysis of the characteristics of JilinProvince which the regional Logistics generated of late and the problems and proposeappropriate countermeasures to promote the development of regional Logistics in JilinProvince.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regional Logistics, Biological populations, Logistic deductive theory
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