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Study And Pratice Of Requirements Engineering Methods Towards Web Applications

Posted on:2014-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330398471962Subject:Computer Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the subsidiary of software engineering, requirements engineering was born in late1970s. Different related theories and methods are proposed home and abroad those years, such as Structured Analysis, Essential Systems Analysis, process-oriented requirements engineering and Requirements Engineering by Establishing Visions in Context, etc. It has developed into a discipline and hotspot, causing wide concern in industry and academic.At the meantime, with the development of web technology and information oriented society, it is a trend for web applications gradually replacing traditional software applications. More and more methodologies have be proposed to support web applications development. Those theories pay much attention to the entire life cycle of web applications, and often ignore the importance of the demand. Although the original requirements engineering are used in web applications to some extent, the theories and methods cannot obtain, analyze and express web applications accurately and efficiently, due to the essential difference of web applications and traditional software applications.This paper analyzes the characteristics of web applications at first. Based on deep study of two main requirements engineering theories at home and abroad, Requirements Engineering towards the Process and Requirements Engineering towards Goals and Scenario, agile requirements engineering towards web applications features is proposed. From the compare study and analysis of web modeling methods, agile web modeling is then proposed. By research and analysis, this paper describes how to use mind mapping tools in hypertext modeling of web applications and web engineering management. Through deep study and research, it is found that Axure RP is a tool tailored for web rapid prototype design and specification. To support and try out the above theories, the author of this paper takes the lead of two web applications as the product manager, evolved in requirements development&management, and verify the feasibility of requirements engineering methods towards web applications, such as agile web requirements engineering, mind mapping, web prototyping and agile web modeling.
Keywords/Search Tags:web applications, requirements engineering, agile webrequirements engineering, mind mapping, agile web modeling
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