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Discussion To The Influence And Significance Of Historiographer Chronicle Towards Nowadays’ Journalism Career

Posted on:2013-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K C WangFull Text:PDF
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History is a mirror, it will inadvertently be discovered defects and flaws even the mosttrendy and beautiful things in different angles. The sages, intentionally or unintentionally leftus with the nutrients and methods of medical supplement.Spread out the long river of the picture,which has5,000years of civilization, a group ofhardworking people known as the historian, they wrote history with the sweat and bloodwatered the seed germination.When the long history to our feet, historiographer omittedelegant figure, the vibrant athletes took their pens,which are journalism and communicationworkers who run around for the truth.The earlier history completed the mission of the news, but today’s news shoulders thehistorical responsibility. In seemingly impossible circumstances, but history and news, atsome point to complete the docking, Then, press in answering practical questions submitted tothe history of a satisfactory answer. In fact, we should say, generally the good newscommunicators enter into the historical picture and complete history and reality of the crossrail beyond its field.When we had witnessed the hustled and piled paper, we found that such as newsgathering, news writing, news editing, news monitoring had already sprout as early as thebeginning of the historiographer notepad, today should bow pants and come with an openmind to the ancients, when we are complacent in their brilliant performance.The use of forms,methods, art, skill in our information dissemination activity, such as objective truth in therecord principle, the art of writing in the Spring and Autumn Annals, implicit in the facts,simple and concise in the facts etc…,for these, great historiographers have thoroughlycooked in the heart, using freely giants reached a pinnacle of the realm.We should not beashamed,it is not too late to remedy the situation, these draw only as the argument that is historiographer Notepad equally important with the news media. However, it perhaps lies inprofessional ethics which really makes us feel ashamed,in the year of material shortages andauthoritarian social,the historiographer still insisted "wealth can not be kinky, power can notbe bended, rank can not be shift",still have a good history and spirit of courage for the truthof history at the expense of throwing the head and blood, in today’s material is extremelywealthy, the relative social stability and harmonious paradise, remain individual news mediaworkers not withstand the temptation of the "money worship" and "hedonism",loserationality and principles until ruin, this should learn to the ancient historiographer.In addition, it makes us more excited when we are hovering and waiting to see in thegallery of history: We are very fortunate to meet Sima Qian, the simple elegance of Tai ShiGong.As a result, we assert that "Guanglingsan" has not disappeared, the sound of HighMountain and Flowing Water is still shrouded in valley. By the key of Sima Qian told theoccasion of "between Heaven and Man, through the past to present, as one of the words", weopen access to the "Historical Records" the door of the vast and powerful history years.Then returned after shuttle years of history, we imitate the tone of Sima Qian in modernChinese, call for the moment the news media workers to defy world opinion: the dream thatis to achieve today’s news into tomorrow history " must locate the information disseminationactivity in the orientation of the materialist history, look at the news media phenomenon inthe scientific development of the vision, think the news media events in rational dialecticalthinking,write news media works in free and independent spirit. The case only!The Yangtze River was rolling to eastward, spray depleted heros. Standing on the historyof the runway," Shoulder bearing moral, Cherish with the article" the mission of the glory ofthe news media workers,“Chase the clouds by rain meaning not break",we should encourageourselves in “The road is long, I will walk from top to bottom "...
Keywords/Search Tags:The historiographer notes, News media, News media workers, Historicalmaterialism, Rational thinking
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