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The Design And Implementation Of Multi Purpose Network Testing System In Secondary Technical Schools

Posted on:2013-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395974013Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the advance of information technology in the national education, someschools are stepping up the construction of the campus information system, a variety ofnetwork test system emerging. Network exam has become a hot vocational school atthis stage of research and development, has become an important direction to change thetraditional exam. Our school is a "four-star" level specialized secondary schools, anurgent need to adapt to the school examination system characteristics, and informationtechnology to advance my school examination affairs. Based on the above background,I led the team designed and developed to meet the needs of our school examinationsystem. The entire design, implementation process were discussed in detail.The article analyzes the actual situation of my school exams and the specificrequirements of the network test system to study the current situation of the domesticand international network test system and the development of technology to determinethe overall structure of the network test system and the main function. Modular thinkingin the design, selection in the development of the B/S three-tier model and ASP+SQL2000Server technology. The network test system is divided into four subsystems:system management subsystem, the administrator operation subsystem, teacheroperating subsystem students operating subsystem, each subsystem has a specific user,as well as the corresponding function, user management, online exam questionsmanagement, paper management, system test paper, automatic scoring, performancemanagement and other basic functions of the examination system, compared with otherexamination system also has the following characteristics:1. The the examination process management (exam application, approvalexamination, audit papers, etc.) to complete online.2. The unit exam not only test database, the system can establish a comprehensiveexamination of the subjects.3. After the examination, my school requires statistical results and analysis.4. Automatically saved temporarily mechanism after crash or power failure, restartthe computer to continue the test. 5. As much as possible the use of data import and export functions, anduser-friendly.6. System test paper, anti-cheat technology, to ensure that the questions are not thesame as in the adjacent classmates papers.System function and stress testing, each of the problems found in test solutions.But due to time constraints as well as my ability to the limit, the system may also existthe problem is not found, it will gradually improve after testing and application.Currently, the system has been deployed in my school’s computer room, and preliminaryuse, trial situation, the system is able to operate normally generous interface, easyoperation, with a certain degree of stability.
Keywords/Search Tags:B/S Framework, ASP, Database system, ADO, System test
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