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Management System Of Experiment Teaching Supplies

Posted on:2013-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395959593Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Office automation (called OA) replaces the traditional workflow by use of theadvanced information technology, computer and the network, which greatly facilitatesthe staff to improve the work efficiency. At the same time, information technology ofthe data makes it to be quickly found, organized and stored, which providesdecision-making basis for the management department. This paper studiesmanagement system of experimental teaching supplies using JSP technology. It ismainly for the Jilin University Zhuhai College Experimental Teaching and LaboratoryManagement Center. Specially, the declaration and the approval of experimentalteaching materials can be attained. The adoption of information technology simplifiesthe traditional flow of work, improves greatly office efficiency, and saves work time.Thereore, the adoption of information technology not only solves the drawbacks ofbeing not stored easily and being found conveniently in traditional paper-basedmaterials, but also provides detailed data for the leadership of correspondingdepartment.The experimental teaching supplies system studied in this paper is a webapplication program based on struts, spring and hibernates. It consists of web, serviceand Dao. It integrates the software design ideas of simple factory pattern, single modeand the open-closed principle. By use of the MessageResources. properties and respectively in the JSP page and Java code, the code is separated with the datasuccessfully in this system, and the idea of code reuse in software engineering isattained technically. By using Filter in right management, this system puts theconfiguration of authorities in XML to attain soft coding. Meanwhile, the use ofpagination display technique greatly reduces the pressure of server, and facilitates thedeployment of the system, which is different from the traditional technique of drawing the whole table out of the database.Experimental teaching supplies management system contains three roles: thedirector of management center of experimental teaching, the staff declaringexperimental teaching supplies in every departments, and the administrator, and thedirector is the key manager. By means of inquiring the declaration and usage ofexperimental teaching supplies from each department, the directors could effectivelyguarantee the utilization ratio of the assets. The declarers of experimental teachingsupplies can make a good plan for a new declaration through this system. Theadministrators are responsible for the maintenance of the system and solve all theproblems of other users. The system is used by the Jilin University Zhuhai CollegeExperimental Teaching and Laboratory Management Centre. According to the users,this system simplifies the traditional declaration steps, and solves the problem ofkeeping the original papers by storing the data in the server. This system is convenientto inquiry the related data, provides the decision-making basis for the directors,speeds up the informatization construction, and successfully completes the originaldesign task.
Keywords/Search Tags:Office automation, Management system, Role
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