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Design And Realization Of The Electricitybill Payment System Atmobile Base Station Management Office

Posted on:2013-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395474276Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, as the rapid development of mobile communication technology,mobile communication industry’s development into a strong power, communicationnetwork scale expands day by day, the number of base stations to increase speed is evenmore striking in the base station, the base station in the daily management, electricityfee payment has become increasingly large, complicated and cumbersome.In order to solve the problem of base station management office in the face of themore and more complicated base station electricity fee payment problem, research isdeveloped using J2EE technology, based on the B/S architecture Sichuan Branch ofChina mobile base station management office electricity paying fee management system.This paper introduces the background of J2EE and its overall framework. By tellingJ2EE how to simplify application development, hope that readers of J2EE can havemore in-depth understanding of. In the paper based on the J2EE specification, based onthe J2EE standard management system structure, and analyses the advantage andapplication prospect of the system structure. In this paper also introduced the UMLRetional modeling tool of Rose and Powerdesigner in the system class diagram, activitydiagram, sequence diagram and database modeling aspects of the specific use.The use of the system helps to improve the base station management officeinformatization level of management, the management system to solve the problems isto make electricity paying work gradually to with computer management, the process ofmodel transformation, and to a great extent, reduces the charge of electricity charge stafflabor intensity, improve work efficiency. At the same time, also for the base stationmanagement office overall informatization management to make contribution, laid afoundation for comprehensive information.This paper explores the application of J2EE three layer architecture technology,MVC design pattern is introduced into the electricity generation payment applicationsystem, a detailed analysis of the MVC includes three objects: model, view, controller,the idea is applied to a specific tariff bill payment system design, and achieved goodresults. In this paper, electricity generation payment management information system function demand a detailed analysis, proposed the system design idea, finally achievethe Sichuan Branch of China mobile base station management office electricitygeneration payment management system. The main research contents include:1.This thesis made a careful study of base station management office currentcharge of electricity or work problems and malpractice.2. This thesis described J2EE and MVC design mode of basic concept.3.The analysis of the information era enterprise informatization construction statusand existing problems.4.The detail of the Struts, Spring, Hibernate development technology in the systemframework of integrated application.5.The described mobile station electricity payment management system design andimplementation, According to J2EE and MVC design patterns to achieve the variouslayers of processing and module, view, the effective combination of control division.
Keywords/Search Tags:Three-tier architecture, NetWork, Bill payment
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