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Research About The Censorship Of Celebrities’ False Advertisements In TV

Posted on:2013-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Advertisement has been loved and committed by businessmen since the earlydays. As the rapid growth of market economy, the increasing number and the fastdevelopment of advertisement has been witnessed by numerous media. The reason forplenty advertisements are presented freely in front of public eyes is that the specialcharacteristics of TV celebrity make advertisements permeate into our daily lifeunwarily, which influence a lot on our living world. In the spread of information,advertisements made by celebrities and well-known media have become the bestpropagandistic way to gain the greatest interest for businessmen. Indeed,advertisements supply much information of commodity. But a number of advertisinginformation appears in public because some manufacturers and celebrities ignoresocial morality and responsibility in order to pursuit their own profits. The frequentappearance of false advertisements propagandized by celebrities has produced greatnegative effects and intense public condemnation; meanwhile it has become aproblem which is worth reflecting over and taking seriously. The problem of falseadvertisements has been a social cancer. And the false TV advertisements made bycelebrities need to be administered because it can be predicted that the formcomposed of celebrities, TV and advertisements has more effect on society than otherones. In light of many elements related to TV celebrity advertisement, variousmethods are supposed to adopt instead of only calling it quits or imposing a fine.Focusing on the problem on maintaining a strict standard on TV celebrityadvertisement and starting from popular CCTV, present article has done the thoroughanalysis on current situation of TV celebrity advertisement and investigated thereasons of its appearance and solutions. Such research, besides to makeadvertisements provide public information legitimately, is expected to explore thesound ways of advertising development as well as to promote social and mediaadvertisement cause, which can boost the harmonious growth of social economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:celebrity, celebrity advertisement, maintain a strict standard
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