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Reasch On Control System On Double Liner Pendulum

Posted on:2013-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330392954246Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Inverted pendulum is a classic single input multiple output (SIMO)system. As the classical research object in control field, invertedpendulum can effectively reflect many key issues of the system, such asrobustness, traceability, servo characteristic, convergence speed ofsystem and stabilization. The research on this object has importantrealistic significance. Many practical projects, including aerospace, gaitplanning of humanoid robot and many other industry, are based onpendulum model.In the research on inverted pendulum, scholars not only restrict theirresearch on theory analysis and the simulation and optimization ofcontrol algorithm, more and more people devoted themselves on settingup hardware platform and practical control system This paper tookGugao Tianlong I double inverted pendulum as the research object toanalyze the inputs and outputs of system. After measuring the everyparameter of inverted pendulum, the Lagrange equation and Newtonmechanics theorem were established for single and double pendulum respectively. After the analysis of system model, the controllability andobservability were calculated to complete qualitative analysis of system.The ordinary control algorithms were analyzed and then an optimalcontroller design scheme based on LQR and classical control theorybased on PID were proposed, which were simulated by matlab and goodcontrol effect was acquired. In hardware design, the intrinsic GT-400-SV-PCI MOTION CARD was replaced by TMS320LF2407controller.A minimal control system platform was set up, into which the LQRalgorithm was transplanted. The whole system includes the followingsections: feedback module, control module, driver module, decisionmodule, communication module and protective module. In software part,data acquisition and filter were completed. LQR algorithm wastransplanted into microcontroller to calculate the output of DC motorthat contributes to system balance.The completion of the entire paper is based on several parts,including analysis and derivation of the mathematical model, discussionof control theories, designing practical control system, and simulationand verification of control algorithm. The complete work in this paperhas important guiding significance both on teaching of relative theory and on research of biped robot and other devices with similar model.Finally, it is the summary of this paper. The work of next step andfuture expectation are put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pendulum, DSP, LQR, Hardness Design
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