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Research And Development On Government Investment Project Management Information System Of Zhuhai

Posted on:2013-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330392953309Subject:Service science and engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhuhai Municipal Government is continuously enhancing the management of govern-ment investment projects in recent years. It is requested by the development and reformbureau of Zhuhai that the government agency shall conduct a more effective and timelysupervision of government investment projects. Therefore not only to effectively solve theproblems like passiveness of information collection, inefficiency of problem solving,lacking of multi-sectoral collaboration, but also to optimize the process and uplift the levelof government investment project management.Taking into consideration the actual application needs of the city and benchmarkingcurrent global practice, the government investment project management informationsystem carried out a detailed business requirement analysis. The system has appliedlayered architecture technology, database technology and object-oriented analysis anddesign techniques hence to analyze and optimize the process of government investmentproject management. The modules have been developed in this system including newproject application, planning project management, approved project management,pre-construction project management, construction-in-process project management,accomplished project management, integrated retrieval and statistical report. It helped thefunctional departments of the municipal in project classification, recording, retrieval,project approval etc. The system was developed based on Microsoft.NET framework,applying B/S structure and SQL Server as database。The research took the government investment in major projects as the object, with theapplication of standardized and scientific management philosophy,in order to achieveDelicacy Management in government investment project implementation. It has integratedwith B/S mode, database technology, dot NET technology and some other informationtechnologies hence to help the government improve the integration and information ofinvestment project management. It also helps the government enhance the efficiency andeffectiveness of investment project management according to the requirement of newgovernance paradigm by applying the Delicacy Management via data analysis technology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government investment project, Project management, Information technology
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