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Design And Implementation Of Enterprise Portal System Based On MVC Pattern

Posted on:2013-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330392457238Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of Internet and e-commerce, online shopping becomingmore and more popular, under this background, there are opportunities for enterprises torapid development. Brand and culture is the intangible assets, and it can be greatlyincreased when promoted appropriately. Enterprise information portal is efficient interfacefor enterprise to interact with users under such a demand. It can provide user the detailedproduct features, instance of the application, multi-way of communication, diversityafter-sales support. From the comprehensive services, professionalism can be reflected,also good interface, all these are key elements for enterprise to be recognized by the user.This subject by giving the status quo of the traditional enterprise e-commerce athome and abroad, traditional business problems and opportunities were analyzedseparately, and come out that the enterprise portal is a reasonable method for traditionalenterprises to adapt to the Internet quickly developing. It elaborate on the main technologywill be used, including the Entity Framework, the technical principles of the MVCarchitecture, and the introduction of design and development tools. Having arepresentative of an industrial smart devices business enterprise as the background,software architecture designed through the analysis of the needs of enterprise portal,detailed design of each module and database definitions.Microsoft Visual Studio2010is development software, C#is development language,and SQL Server2008is the database management software. during the implement, thepopular development framework ASP.NET MVC is used. Through user controlspackaging technology, the unified style and functional layout page provide a good userexperience. All these efficient web development and testing techniques, provides certainrepresentation of the enterprise portal system implement.
Keywords/Search Tags:.NET, MVC, Enterprise portal system
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