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The Design And Implementation Of Foreign Enterprise Service Management Platform

Posted on:2013-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374985762Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this thesis we design a new distributed foreign enterprises services managementplatform, which draws some of the existing common design of foreign enterprisesservice management platform, the characteristics for the Inner Mongolia AutonomousRegion foreign trade, for a new design. Taking into account the rapid developmentofregional foreign trade, a number of related policy changes quickly, adding makeup,pay, one-time costs of the new module. Redesigned reminder fee statements, print andexport reports to improve thefunctionality of Excel, an increase of social security andsocial security registration form new employees to reduce employee registrationform;increased sound historical data query capabilities, queries and fuzzyqueriesbacking; extended user groups and user rights management capabilities, you canset user permissions for each function.We first attempt at centralized data centers to use foreign trade, so that thedistribution of the regionalsubsidiary of Union City can work together to not onlyimprove the work efficiency, but also to achieve a true sense of the informationsynchronizationand resource sharing, to ensure the payment of work transparency andsecurityto avoid information asymmetry arising due to the large number of repetitivework. Network environment, taking into account the unknown factors in thesystemdesign of the encryption and data compression module, the datatransmissionnetwork to ensure fast and safe.In order to ensure stable operation of thedata center, we developed adetailed text database backup and recovery program, most ofthe backup jobcan be done automatically, reducing the cost of human resources.This selection of the Delphi language as a development language, give full play tothe Delphidevelopment of high efficiency, fast compilation, post-maintenance features,not only reduces the customer’s development costs, lower software maintenance costslater, to achieve a win-win situation.Software system more than a month after the actual deployment of the test, runningin good condition, meets the design requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inquiry, Delphi, Employment managing
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