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The Armed Police Colleges Online Examination System Based On Web Design And Implementation

Posted on:2013-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374486500Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The network examination system being an important means in modern educationstage got much more attention and was widely applied in army.With the development oftroop’s informatization and modern military acience and technology,the range ofmilitary theories become and more wide; the knowledge that requests a soldier to masteris not less than ever before and the testing quality and quantities of the military theoriesfor troops is increasing recently.The former regular examination method is not onlyunefficient but also uneconomical in resources assignment, therefore,how to organizethe military theories examine, and highly efficiently improve troop modernizationtraining level have become the key question to resolve for out troops in future.Nowadays,the researches and designs on our army examination system are still inthe developing stage. The main aim to explore on-line examination system for troops isto improve the efficiency for supervisor examination section, and realize themanagement of troops examination information and systematizezation,standardizationand automatization in testing process.Based on the background above,considering theactual need to the examination system,this thesis designed and carried out a militaryexamination system used for some motorized infantry brigade.The thesis firstly analyzed the backgrounds,meanings and main contents of theresearch in troop’s on-line system and compared the way and quality between thetraditional examination and the on-line examination; then carried on demand analysisfor the troops examination system and drafted each part of examinationsystem;furthermore,analyzed the key technique used ever in design and realization oftroops examination system and put forward the urgency, necessity and feasibility inapplication of the computer technique,network correspondence thchnique and thedatabase technique in design on-line examination system,finally,analyzed and designedthe logic system structure of the whole on-line examination and carry out the wholeexamination system.The examination system realiaed in the thesis have stronger pertinency,simplepracticability and easy maneuverability,it can run whatever on personal computer and on web,it can be used not only in practice but also on examine,and it primarily resolvethe problems,such as too much contents,multilayer army theory examination formotorized infantry brigade,and completely assure the fairness and justness inexamination. In summary,this research work has very important reference andpopularization value to explore other examination system.
Keywords/Search Tags:troops informatization, examine system, network, database, B/S structure
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