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Data Warehouse Logic Based On Uml Modeling Research

Posted on:2013-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374477018Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The data warehouse is subject-oriented, extracted from databases,and driven by the data. The data warehouse can support some datadriven decision support systems with relevant data. The logicalmodeling methods of data warehouse are concerned in this paper,including the requirements analysis, conceptual model design andlogical design model. The logical modeling is the most importantprerequisite to establish a data warehouse, is a critical step for asuccessful data warehouse. A successful data warehouse is of greatsignificance in improving the level decision-making of enterprises, it alsocan filter out valuable information to keep track of market trends, toenhance the contingency. Therefore, good data warehouse modelingapproach is urgent need.This paper introduced the concept of UML into the modelingtechnology of data warehouse, and improved the shortcomings of thetraditional UML diagrams; it can be better applied to the logicalmodeling of data warehouse.First, it introduces the basic concepts of data warehouse related;contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the existing datawarehouse modeling approaches. Existing methods can not clearresponse relationship between the entities. But UML provides a series ofviews; they can clearly demonstrate the relationship between theobjects properties and their behaviors. Therefore, UML is introduced intothe logical modeling of the data warehouse.Secondly, the traditional use-case diagram, package diagram,activity diagram, class diagram of UML are improved, the improvedUML diagrams can more comprehensively reflect the relationshipbetween the properties and behaviors of the objects, meanwhile theyimproved the competence of meeting an emergency, and intuitively grasp the roles of the behavior assumed. So a method based onimproved UML data warehouse logical model is established.Finally, the improved UML data warehouse logical modelingmethod is specifically used in the development process oftelecommunications. The experiments show that, the improved UMLmodeling method can observe the relationship between the entitiesmore directly, and then can help the companies to make propertactics and measures according to changes in the market.
Keywords/Search Tags:data warehouse, logical modeling, UML
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