College English Test Result Analysis System Design And Application |
Posted on:2013-12-04 | Degree:Master | Type:Thesis |
Country:China | Candidate:X Q Cheng | Full Text:PDF |
GTID:2248330362964574 | Subject:Software engineering |
Abstract/Summary: | PDF Full Text Request |
Test result analysis is one important part of university teaching management, thekey to improving teaching quality, and a time-sensitive task with high workload andaccuracy. Test Result Statistical Analysis System based on Web technology makes theuse of advanced computer technology and network technology to realize the sharing ofthe information resources, improve the efficiency and accuracy of various informationprocessing and provide information needed by its users rapidly and accurately. Toestablish Test Result Statistical Analysis System based on Web-technology is is thedevelopment direction and an important task of current university teaching management.In addition, with the deepening of the understanding on the importance of Englishteaching in universities, to improve English level and English teaching is the goal ofcolleges and universities. English teachers need urgently to learn the factors of affectingthe English level of their students in order to teach students in accordance of theiraptitudes and find the best teaching methods.The article focuses on the comprehensive research about the design theories andmethods of College English Test result statistical system, in detail, analyzing BeijingUnion University College English Test result statistics status quo and domestic andoverseas research status, pointing out the characteristics and shortcomings of currenttest result statistics, as well as discussing front-end development and back-enddatabase design and designing main functions of system amply according to the actualbusiness requirements of result statistics analysis. The general factors of affectingEnglish results are sought for by means of data mining.College English test result analysis system realizes open informationmanagement, inquiring and sharing in function and is interactive and safe. Thedevelopment of the system is in line with the tendency of network information and issignificant to promote university teaching management informationalization andstandardization.The subject is researched together with the teachers of Foreign LanguageDepartment. After the teachers adopt the test result analysis system, they discuss datamining analysis results and put forward teaching improvement opinions, some classesare taken as pilots ones and the effectiveness of analysis result is verified by the testresult of next time, promoting the improvement of teaching quality. |
Keywords/Search Tags: | Test Results Analysis, Web Statistical Analysis System, Data Mining |
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