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School-based Curriculum Resource Development Of Community Service And Social Practice In Primary School

Posted on:2014-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330401952717Subject:Primary school education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continual increase of the forces in our country’s basic educationcurriculum reform, the importance of curriculum resources merit much more attention.Without the support of the rich and various curriculum resources, it is difficult for us torealize a better teaching effect even if we have a perfect curriculum reform idea. Thereason is that the abundance level of curriculum resources determines the realizationdegree of the curriculum target. The establishment of curriculum resources is a newsubject for the basic education curriculum reform.As a great measure for basic education curriculum reform and an important partof the comprehensive practical activities, community service and social practicecurriculum belongs to the kind of curriculum set by the nation and established by localand school based on the actual situations. Neither does our country establish thecurriculum standards for it, nor does make curriculum development, that’s why thelocal and the primary school must develop and utilize the community service andsocial practice curriculum resources autonomously. However, the school’s andteachers’ lack of awareness and development ability in curriculum resources leads tothe insufficient curriculum resources in curriculum implementation. Meanwhile, thewaste of great amount of undeveloped curriculum resources and inefficient use ofcurriculum resources into community services and social practice curriculum teachinginfluenced the smooth development of the curriculum.The research subject is the resource development of the community service andsocial practice school-based curriculum under the new curriculum reform. TakingChongqing Jiu Long Po NO.1Experimental Primary School as the case study object,this school has established the new curriculum and actively explored how to build acommunity service and social practice curriculum adapted to the new curriculum. Alsoit has the growing point in developing community service and social practiceschool-based curriculum resources and accumulates some cases of this curriculum at the same time.By using literature analysis, observation, investigation and case analysis and otherresearch methods and analyzing the principles, characters and procedures ofcommunity service and social practice school-based curriculum resources in NO.1Experimental Primary School, I make an inquiry into the development mode of thiscurriculum resource with the support of theory and offer some experiences for thecurriculum resources development.
Keywords/Search Tags:community service and social practice, school-based curriculum, curriculum resource, development
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