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Learning Burnout Situation Survey On Students Of Preschool Teaching

Posted on:2014-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
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1980s, the study of learning burnout introduced to China from theWest. With the reform of education system, the research about students’learning burnout has gradually expanded. Especially in recent years,more researchers pay close attention to the research subject.There is a serious gap between education development and the speedof economic development in Erdos city and the quality of education andteaching needs to be improved. In recent years, the students’ learningburnout problem is more prominent in every school of Erdos city. Basedon this, in this paper study of Inner Mongolia Normal School ofPreschool Education for the Nationalities students, in order to presentbased on theoretical and empirical research, put forward the improvementmeasures feasible and improve the learning ability of the students and theschool education teaching quality.The study is in the related research of domestic and foreign studyburnout of reference and own teaching experience, mainly uses thequestionnaire survey to detect the students at of Inner Mongolia NormalSchool of Preschool Education for the Nationalities students learningburnout, Based on analyzing learning burnout status, in-depth analysis ofthe influence factors and then put forward to reduce or improve studentslearning burnout have effect countermeasure, improve their learningability, also hope that these measures can be reference for other infantnormal school education and management work.The research results:First,In Inner Mongolia normal school of preschool education fornationalities students’ learning burnout must exist and it can not beignored Second, drawn from the four dimensions of emotional exhaustion,learning efficacy, teachers and students alienation and physicalexhaustion: gender differences in study, whether ordinary kindergartenclasses or fine reinforcement learning burnout class girls compared toboys more serious; in the professional difference study, ordinarykindergarten classes students than teachers strengthen class studentslearning burnout; on the grade difference study, burnout kindergartenclasses the second grade students of common sense, the third gradestudent burnout the strongest sense, the first grade of the weakest, finestrengthening class is the first grade students are higher than the burnoutof the second grade students and the third grade students, the secondgrade students of the burnout time, burnout the third grade students arethe weakest.Third, the gender, professional, students, grades and otherdemographic variables have different degrees of difference in dimensionsof learning burnout, especially learning two dimensions of low efficiencyand physical exhaustion is evident.Fourth, Inner Mongolia normal school of preschool education fornationalities students’ learning burnout characteristics related to theprofessional school.
Keywords/Search Tags:learning burnout, development characteristics, teaching countermeasures
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