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The Qualitative Research Of Teachers Appling Story Teaching Method

Posted on:2013-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395969057Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the promulgation and deeply implementation of the kindergarten educationguidelines (trying out), the kindergarten education reform in our country has entered anew stage. The childcare teacher is the most important and fundamental forces inkindergarten education, and the most principal and the most direct creator andimpeller to children’s education reform. Education scholars more focus on exploringthe teaching ways. The kindergarten education is based on the play as the basicactivities. But in actual teaching activities, teachers often use a single the teachingway of the game to produce gradually to the game for the game. They only pursueactivities of the surface “lively”, ignore the children’s development needs. This typeof game label of children’s development is meaningless. However, in addition tooutside the play, the story is the most enjoyment and most interested in activities tochildren. We adopt story teaching to organize activities. It not only may activeteaching atmosphere and enhance the enthusiasm of children participate in activitiesbut also promote the teacher-children interaction to establish the equal interactiverelationship. It is the beneficial supplement of teaching methods of children’seducation reform. Therefore, we study the application of the story teaching method inkindergarten teaching, especially what do story teaching influent teachers’ ability?what is teachers’ inner feeling? These problems have yet to be worth of deep researchand thinking. It is the important meaning to further improve the story teaching methodand change the traditional teaching ways of childcares’ teacher.The paper is base on the qualitative research as the basic method and select Wteacher as a case study in YY kindergarten in Beijing. It involves in health, language,science, society and art education field. This paper studied effect story teachingmethod on childcare teachers’ teaching abilities through observing the teachingactivities of the story teaching, open interview after the activities and the things ofteacher’s lesson plan, education reflection. The outcome of the study is that the storyteaching method can contribute to promote childcare teacher’s teaching abilities,included the changes of the teaching content processing ability, teaching process design ability, teaching environment creation ability, teacher-children interactionability, language expression ability, nonverbal expression ability, teaching adjustmentability, teaching strain ability, parents resource utilization ability and self evaluationability. But the story teaching method may limit childcare teacher’s teaching abilities,mainly reflected in the use of multimedia technology ability and children and childreninteraction guidance ability. The factors mainly are external factors and internalfactors of the story teaching method. The external factors are application condition ofthe story teaching method, included the kindergarten teaching system culture,managers education concept, teacher’s attitude, teacher’s imagination and theteacher’s self-efficacy. The internal factors are their own teaching factors, includedthe value orientation of story teaching method, the choice of the story, the situation ofstory teaching and teaching method of story teaching.This paper includes five parts. The first part is the introduction. The mainintroduced the origin of the research, the research background, the aim andimplications of the research and the theoretical basis of study. The second part is theliterature, this paper mainly introduces the related concept definition of kindergartenteaching, story teaching method and teachers’ teaching ability. It is combing thehistorical development of the story teaching method and the situation of the domesticand foreign research. This paper is put forward the research direction on the basic ofthe analysis of the problems existing in the research. The third part of the researchprocess, mainly introduces the research object background, the method and theprocess of the research, thinking of the reliability, validity and ethical issues of theresearch. The fourth part is what influences the story teaching method to the teachingability, mainly introduced that the story teaching method can promote and limit tochildcare teacher’s teaching abilities. The fifth part discusses the external factors andthe internal factors of the story teaching method that affected the teachers’ teachingability in the teaching activities. The sixth part is the reflection of the whole processof the research and finds out the deficiency to provide reference for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:story teaching method, teachers’ teaching abilities, the kindergarten teaching
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