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Research On The Campus Culture Construction Of Special Education School

Posted on:2013-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M T YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395961533Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, in all sectors of the community and leaders at all levels of care andsupport, special education has been paid more and more attention." The Ministry of educationin special education schools in fifty-fourth noted:" provisional regulation of special educationschools should pay special attention to the construction of campus environment, do well incampus greening and beautification, do well the construction of the campus culture, create agood environment. But because of the special education school started relatively late, for thespecial education school campus culture research, has been relatively weak. Special educationschools face the education object is a physiological and psychological has certain obstacledisabled students, students from school to school, almost every day in the life of campuscultural atmosphere, whether in the classroom, or in the extracurricular activities; whether it isthe individual activities, or collective activities, always in soundless and quietly to affect them,accompanied by they grow up. So in special schools in campus culture construction has veryimportant significance.This paper is divided into three parts. The first part from the theory of campus cultureand campus culture research present situation, further analysis of the special education schoolcampus culture connotation and feature, elaborated the special education school campuscultural construction function and significance. The special education school campus cultureis in special schools the education environment, school leaders, teachers, students and parentsto hold the common belief, its formation and is associated with the special schools ofhistorical tradition and reality, is the teachers and students together to create material wealthand spirit wealth. Special education school campus culture construction has educationalfunction, constraint functions, the cultivation function, affinity function and radiation function,it can make teachers and students of all immersed in the culture, feel the elegant culture, toedify sentiment purpose. Special education is an important part of education, specialeducation school campus cultural construction, is directly related to special education toachieve the goal of harmonious society construction, the way is to create a unique quality andcharm of special campus culture, promote education connotation, realize the development of school characteristics. The basic starting point for special students’ all-round development,potential development and defect compensation, creating a barrier to optimize the schoolenvironment, teachers teach students happy, happy school. The second part of the thesisanalyzes the special education school campus culture construction present situation, analyzesthe special education school campus cultural construction problems. Special education schoolcampus culture construction in recent years to cause the attention of people, because thematerial condition and ideological consciousness and the influence of the social environment,the special education school campus cultural construction achievement, also have inadequacy.Is the result of special education school campus culture construction is gradually attention,education departments at all levels and the special education schools have put the constructionof campus culture as an important work schedule, and the construction of campus culture asthe main approach to improve school management level, also has the special characteristics ofschool campus spiritual culture is being formed stage by stage. But because of the specialeducation school campus culture construction ideas is not in place, some people still exist ondiscrimination against persons with disabilities, special education schools lack ofunderstanding, lack of funding. Some schools only pay attention to the construction ofmaterial civilization and neglect the construction of spiritual culture, ignoring the campusculture construction of wholeness, and copy the general school construction, special educationschool campus cultural construction characteristic is not obvious. Some people think thespecial education school campus culture without research, therefore, special education schoolcampus cultural construction theory research is insufficient, so the special education schoolcampus cultural construction is a long-term systematic project, must want to have long-termplanning. The third part on the basis of the two parts are put forward to strengthen the specialeducation school campus cultural construction principles and measures, from theory andpractice two aspects of special education school in campus cultural construction significance.Special education school campus cultural construction must realize, the idea first, establishcorrect guiding ideology of the construction of campus culture. Special education schoolcampus culture construction should be to love as the core, to serve as the basic point, fullyembodies the humanistic characteristics. Through the creation of atmosphere, in many ways, construct the harmonious and happy education campus culture. For students with disabilitiesto tap potential, compensating defects created for students with disabilities, life-longresponsibility education campus culture. Scientific planning, increase investment,people-oriented, to cultivate love as the main theme of the campus material cultureenvironment and dedication to humanity as the core of the campus spiritual culture. Thecampus culture is the school strength cohesion and catalyst, material culture, system culture,spirit culture, behavior culture constitute a school campus culture, the campus cultureintegration after condensation of infectivity is unmatched by other educational means, this isthe charm of the construction of campus culture.Research shows, special education school campus cultural construction of penetrating tothe facilities, teaching, management, life and all kinds of campus activities, is the schoolimplementation education for all-around development and the construction of spiritualcivilization important constituent, is the needs of student development, education is needed,more is to promote the school and the development of a harmonious society needs. Materialculture, system culture, spirit culture, behavior culture constitute a school campus culture,special education school in campus culture construction will lead to a higher level, so thatmore people with disabilities to enjoy the high quality education, for the future of themainstream of society to lay a good foundation.
Keywords/Search Tags:the special education school, campus culture, construction
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