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The Outsourcing Research Of Sports Complexes

Posted on:2012-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395487850Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the1990s, American economists C.K. Prahalad and GrayHel put forward the concept of outsourcing in《The Core Competence of The Corporation》. According to their viewpoint, outsourcing means some non-core and auxiliary function or business outsourcing are gave to externally professional manufacturers, whose expertise and advantages improve enterprise’s overall efficiency and competitiveness. By implementing outsourcing, enterprise not only can reduce operating costs, focus resources to play their own core advantage, satisfy necessary of customer and increase competitive power of the market, but can fully use external resources and offset their insufficiency. Meanwhile, outsourcing can make enterprise keep management and business flexibility and diversity. Under the wave of entrusting business, Outsourcing has become management style which stadiums bounded compares can accept, such as sports center in Wuhan would attempt to let special outsourcing contracting company do some cleaning and security work in century.To sum up, the project operation outsourcing of our country sports venues is still in the bud stage of development and the mechanisms of market is not mature. Although the development of service outsourcing theory in our country is not very long, the related scholar’s research achievements are considerable and have practical significance, such as library’s outsourcing in the university and hr outsourcing. As the perfecting of economy system and the improving of people’s living standards. The growing demand for sports people and undertaking and development of various large sports promote to build more and more sports venues. However, there are some interval time to hold many large events, such as the Olympics is held once every four years. So the operating problems of so many sports venues after the tournament became deliberate. Service outsourcing, which can be applied to various industries and also have achieved excellent results is a new type of operation and management philosophy. So service outsourcing theory whether be applied in stadiums project operation and how to use is the purpose and meaning of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stadium, Operation, Service outsourcing, Sports
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