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Research On High School English-Reading Teaching Based On Need Analysis

Posted on:2013-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P P ZhangFull Text:PDF
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As is indicated in the Ordinary high school English Curriculum Standards, themain task of the high school is to improve the students’ comprehensive abilities.Reading is of vital importance to the improvement of learners’ comprehensiveabilities. Scientific and reasonable need analysis on the learners will help teachers putup with more practical teaching methods which benefit learners from various aspects,However, influenced by the exam-oriented education system the teachers have beenaccustomed adopting the traditional teaching methods and ignoring the learning needsof the students.This thesis is based on the need analysis theory of Maslow and schema theory.The following problems occurred in the English teaching process are found aftersurveys conducted on both the senior school teachers and the students from Xiangtan:to the students, low interest in English learning, weak motivation, lack of guidance inscientific reading and learning habits, lack of solid foundation for knowledge, lowreading comprehensive abilities, slow reading speed and so on. Moreover to theteachers, more than50percent of the teachers lack of full understandings of thestudents’ vocabularies, comprehensive abilities and reading skills: old-fashionedteaching methods are appealed by approximately30percent teachers and singlemethod is applied in the organization of the extracurricular activitiesTherefore the reading strategies are: having an overall understanding of thestudents’ learning needs, promoting the formation of good learning habits beforereading, combining the design, implementation with the students’ learning needswhile reading, deepening students’ learning needs and helping extend the students’extra-curriculum knowledge.
Keywords/Search Tags:Needs analysis, English Reading teaching, Reading Strategies
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