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A Comparative Study Of University Graduates’ Employment Service Agencies

Posted on:2013-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374993250Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, graduate employment has been a topic of common concern of Chinese society. There will be6million and80thousand graduates in2012, and the problem of structural unemployment is plaguing the government, universities, students and community. Graduates are an important component of our human resource allocation, they have close relationship with our social and economic development, labor institutional change, higher education reform and the world economy changes. To establish and perfect the students employment service agencies is a difficult problem must be faced in the process of popularizing higher education and socialist economy market-oriented. For solving the problem of hard to find a job, building the employment service system of university students, we should learn from foreign countries’effective approach, promote co-operation of different types of employment service agencies.The graduates employment service agencies constructed in this paper is mainly approached from the government-led, university employment serviced centers, non-profit organizations and market-oriented instructions. The meaning is to make a bridge of cooperation and communication between graduates and the employers, to make graduates have career planning and employment outlook, to make the employers find the right talent effectively and conveniently, to make each agency cooperate and work together to graduate employment service.On the base of analyzing the features of graduate employment service in USA and other three countries, I used comparative analysis and literature method, compared with Chinese agencies’features and shortcomings, learned the excellent experience of developed countries to establish and perfect employment service agencies in line with China’s national conditions and make these agencies play a role in finding jobs for graduates.Establishing and perfecting employment service agencies not only relate to the graduates of their own career development, but also related to the development of the universities, human resources market and the social harmony and stability, so there is a practical significance of comprehensive constructing university students employment service agencies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Graduates, Foreign, Employment service agencies
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